Don't ask me.

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Jakes POV
I fell back on my bed Holly's answer still burned in my brain, why had she said that?
"I'll give you one chance"
I groaned, other girls had never wanted to let me prove this, they found the bad boy image a major turn on. I threw a pillow against the wall, I had to face it, we were like a a beetle and a butterfly, okay maybe not the best comparison. Holly was the most beautiful, intelligent, kind girl I had ever met! I had observed her for my first day, maybe it was too soon to say this, but I was set in this image and in that moment all I wanted to do was prove to her that I was more than I appeared.
Holly's POV
I was confused, really confused. All this boy stuff made my head hurt, picking up my phone I called Lexie and asked to meet up at the coffee shop near my house. Minutes later Lexie called and we finalized plans. I raced out the door ten minutes later and walked to the coffee shop, I was looking down at my phone as I turned the corner I ran into something hard.
I cried as I fell to the ground, I heard someone gasp above me and hear a voice say
"Oh shit are you okay?"
Looking up my eyes met with a pair of pure blue eyes, my hear skipped a beat, Jake.
"What are you doing hear?"
He stared at his hands,
"I-I was coming to see you."
He hesitated then held out his hand for me to take, I hesitated then took it, he lifted me up easily, I was started at his strength.
"You where coming to see me?"
I asked.
"Well yeah, I wanted to talk to you in person."
He looked at his converse he appeared to be very interested in his laces.
He looked up at me,
"It's about you're text"
He seemed to have trouble making eye contact, this seemed like a very different boy from the one who took me out on a date without my approval. I looked at him curiously, then without really thinking as asked
"You want to come over?"
His head snapped up,
We turned around and headed over to my house. once we were inside he looked around, I mad for the couch, then noticed he was not following,
"You can come in you know"
He slowly walked over to me and stood in front of me.
"What did you want to talk about?"
He glanced at me then became interested in his laces again. I heard myself giggle, then I quickly covered my mouth, I was not ready to find him amusing.
"Um Holly I wanted to show you that I'm more then what you see on the outside."
I held his gaze for a few seconds, then dropped my eyes.
I noticed he was not wearing his leather jacket, just this made his look some how different, less... dangerous. he looked so much more normal.
Don't give in! I scolded myself, this is the guy who forced me to go on a date with his and tried to grope me, I had to remind myself that I hardly even knew him, we had just met a what, two days ago. I sighed all this had happened in the space of 48 hours. Jake kept trying to look at me, but whenever I looked up he would look away. I had to admit that was somewhat endearing.
"Um would you like a tour?"
I hear myself ask.
"Umm sure if you want to give me one!"
He still had trouble looking at me.
Getting up I lead him away.
"Do you like me?"
I thought for a minute.
"Don't ask me that... Yet"

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