What am am I worth?

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Jake's POV
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Holly slid to the floor her eyes wide and terrified. Turning my attention back to the guy I attacked I stared at him, his hood has fallen off and when he looked up at me I gasped. Hayden, he was the first friend I made when I came here.
"What the hell where you doing attacking my girlfriend!?" I growled. My breathing was sharp and irregular,
He gasped holding his stomach.
"I was acting on orders."
He stumbled to his feet,
I pinned him to the wall before he could do anything.
"Who's orders?"
I asked my voice deadly
My eyes opened wide
"Hey man should you be worried about your girlfriend?"
My head whipped around, Holly lay on the floor unconscious, my heart stopped, then Hayden's fist slammed into my jaw.
Stacey's POV
I stood with my back leaning against the wall listening to the sounds coming from the end of the hall, the power that one rumor held. Two boys passed me, they skimmed Thor eyes up my body, that had no shame, I giggled, I was used to this attention from the males now, Jake was the hottest guy in school, I would not let Holly stand in the way. Sure she had what the guys wanted, she was skinny, large blue eyes wavy waist length hair, but I had more, I had more experience, she still had her V-card for fucks sake! I could give Jake so much more, the cheerleaders may spend time flipping their skirts up, but I deserved the hottest boy in the school. I decided to see what shape Holly was in before making my move on Jake.
Holly's POV
I blinked the hall slowly coming back into focus, the first thing I saw was the guy who attacked me on the floor and Jake standing over him, the someone else entered. Stacy. She walked up to Jake and said something, he turned glaring at her, he seemed like he was going to say something, but before he could she had grabbed his face and kissed him on the mouth! Seeing that gave me the strength to stand up.
Jake shoved Stacy away, tears blurred my vision
He said
"No back the fuck away Jake! I gave you one chance you fucked it up!"
I turned and races down the hall tears running down my cheeks,
I heard Jake yell after me. I burst through the doors of the school and ran.
I reached my house panting, I ran up the steps and opened the door, once inside I closed the door and broke down, I curled into a ball a sobbed until I had no tears left, Jake fucked it up, Stacy always for her way. Was I stupid for thinking Jake would reject her for me? Yes. He was a fucking asshole, the one thing I wanted was a loyal boyfriend, of course that's what all they guys I had ever been with lacked. I thought Jake was different. groaning I dragged myself up to my room. I was greeted with the soft pink glow of the fairy lights strung around my window seat and skylight. I climbed up into the platform where my bed and vanity table sat and sank down onto the chair and looked in the mirror. The girl who stared back at me was a ghost of the girl I had once been. When I moved my hand the girl in the mirror mover to. Was this really me? No. it could not be me. I would have broken down I. Tears again, but I had none left to cry. I stood up and walked over to my window seat, I sank down onto the pillows, then Abby my golden retriever puppy slid into my room I stood up and scooped him up and say back down I hugged her to my chest and buried my face in her fur, she's like a mini human, she can tell when I'm upset and she'll come lick my face. I could not fight the smile off my face when she squirmed to try and lick my face. I let her give my face what seemed to be a mini shower before I started laughing my ass off at her. I got a ball and threw it across my room, letting all my troubles melt away in laughter.
Jake's POV
my fist hit my locker leaving a dent in the flimsy metal. Stacy ran a finger down my arm
"It's okay"
She cooed. I snapped,
Stacy stepped away shocked as I turned to her, I raised my fist, before I could act, I realized that I was about to hit a girl. Thats the one thing I would never do. Breathing fast I turned away and ran.
How much running had I done in the past week? To much. All I had done was tried to outrun my problems, my heart pounded as I pumped my arms, my breath came in gasps, my vans smacked the pavement, I ran faster towards the river, that ran through a valley in the woods, me feet met twigs and leaves as I entered the wood, I was forced to slow down due to the roots, when I reached the river I fell to the ground ripping off my jacket. something fluttered out of the pocket, I picked it up and unfolded it. Holly looked back at me laughing. I remember when I took this. I had taken her to the zoo one weekend. She held a carrot out to a giraffe as it stuck out its neck towards her. her hair was in waves down her back and her blue eyes sparkled staring at the photo tears gathered in my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. I has lost her, the only girl who I cared for and loved. I had never been one to love, Holly changed me, and now she was gone. I put my head on my knees and cried.
Holly's POV
I attached Abby's leash to her collar and set out for the river, it was my favorite place to go when I was upset, Abby loved to splash in the cool blue water, I would lie on the bank and look up at the sky, if it was raining I would let the rain wash away my troubles. walking down the valley it took more effort to hold Abby back, we had gotten her last month I had yet to tell Jake. Then I remembered the events of a few hours before. Shit. I saw the river come into view and hurried over to it, but before I could step into the clearing, I heard something, someone was crying, and it did not sound like a girl. Pulling on Abby's leash I when to the edge of the clearing. I stared, I had to look closer to make sure, shit! Jake! What the fuck was he doing hear? This was the worst time and the best place for it, part of of me wanted to run the other way, part of me wanted to smack him silly and the other part wanted to go over to him and hold him and cry with him. I took a deep breath and walked over to him, Abby barked, I froze. Jake lifted his head and looked at me, with his beautiful blue eyes.
Jakes POV
My head still in between my knees, I heard the bark of a dog close by, lifting my head I looked around and my heart stopped. Holly. She was holding the other end of the leash of a golden retriever puppy the source of the barking revealed. She stood frozen her eyes terrified. She started to back away,
My voice broke,
"Don't go Holly... Please."
I stood up and walked over to her, she backed up another few steps, I reached out my hand but she backed away more.
"Why the hell are you doing?"
Her question made me halt,
"Stacy must be worried."
I gaped at her,
"Why would she?"
She scoffed
"Oh well she is your girlfriend"
I fell back a few steps. She really believed that,
"Holly you can't really think we are dating!"
She gave a humorless laugh,
"Oh save it Jake, I gave you one chance, no I gave you so many chances! You blew them all!"
I could not stand the look of hatred in her eyes, I dropped to my knees in front of her and wrapped my arms around her legs and pressed my head to her stomach.
"Holly y-you have to believe me!"
She stood frozen,
"Please believe me!"
I whispered,
"Holly I would never ever hurt you! Why don't you believe that?"
I looked up at her, tears were tracing there way down her cheeks, the puppy came trotting over to me and licked my face, I ignored it and took Holly's hand and kissed it over and over again,
"Please believe me..."

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