My heart in chains

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Jake's POV
I lay in my bed, it was well past midnight. I had tossed and turned for hours, I could not stop thing about Holly. Was she okay? I could not and would not lose her. I pressed my head into my pillow, I rolled off my bed and walked to the closet, opening it I sifted through my clothes, something fell off the shelf, picking it up I shivered, Holly's shirt, she had left it hear one night, I hated looking at it and knowing that she hated me, I pressed my face into the fabric and breathed in the sweet smell of her perfume, falling back on my bed I curled up and hugged it to my chest, I felt stupid, this must be so pathetic but at that time I could not care, my leather jacket was thrown across my desk chair, swinging my legs off the bed and walked over, pulling off my sweats I pulled on my skinny jeans a tight white tee and my leather jacket. pulling on my Jordens I stood in front of the mirror, a tall and shallow kid looked back at me, id been called hot, gorgeous, and other stuff but Holly never said anything of that to me, and that was the only things that counted running my hands though my hair I clenched my jaw, what was I playing at! Every girl has always found my 'bad boy' image a major turn on, had that made me expectant that's what all girl would feel? Holly seemed to find that side of me a major turn off. I kicked off my shoes and threw my jacket off to the side and collapsed back on my bed, I squeezed my eyes shut and let the tears trace their way down my face.
Holly's POV
I lay with my face pressed into a pillow, Once Upon a a time was playing on Netflix, I wasn't really paying attention, the pillow was damp with my tear and smelled salty, I ran my fingers over the soft velvet of the couch pillows, my cheeks felt slightly sticky, shit. All my makeup had run down my cheeks. I yanked my hair into a high pony tail. It was full of knots. I dragged myself up from the couch and over to the freezer, pulling out cookie dough ice cream, spooning some into a bowl, I melted peanut butter and pored it over the ice cream, I added chocolate syrup and whipped cream. There. Completely horrible for me, I had already quit the cheer team, my life was to shitty for me to pull off a perky cheerleader. Jake had taken that from me as well. Jake... It took a while for me to stop sobbing. but when I did, I felt as if a 100 pound weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I sat back down and dug into my Sunday as I watch Robbie Kay bully Operation Henry. What else is new? The phone rang, pausing the show I stood up and picked it up
"Holly sweetheart! How are you?"
I sighed it was my mom, she had been on a business trip for the past month, she had no idea about what had happened to me.
"I'm great mom! I miss you so much!"
"I miss you to sweetheart! I am so sorry that I have not called you! Business is well busy!"
She laughed.
"It's okay mom, I get it. So what's been happening?"
For the next 30 minutes we talked. When I hung up I could not stop the smile on my face. My mother always made me smile. I finished my Sunday and turned off the TV. Going up tit my room I lay down and looked at my fairy lights, when I was younger I would pretend that they where real fairies and that they could understand me when I talked to them. smiling to myself I closed my eyes breathing in the lavender scent that the cleaners spritzed on the sheets.
I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring Something Big by Shawn Mendes. Reaching over I picked it up shuddering when I saw the caller ID. Jake. I hit ignore and replaced my phone on my charging dock. swinging my feet off the bed I when back down stairs for another Netflix and Ice cream run.
Jakes POV
I sighed and replaced my phone on the bedside table, she would not answer, what if she had deleted my number? Could she really do that and completely move on from me? I had to find out what the hell was up, we had always pushed through and kept our relationship strong... hadn't we?
Shaking my head I started down the street t Holly's. As I reached her door I heard Holly laugh, huh? Why would she be laughing, I felt like such a creep but I walked over to the window and crouched down. Holly sat on the couch with a huge bowl of ice cream and laughing at the TV she was watching Night at the museum, I watched Ben Stiller race down a hall pursued by a huge T-Rex. I clenches my jaw and knocked on the door, I heard footsteps and then Holly opened the door. She took one look at me and frowned and tired to shut the door in my face.
"You have chocolate on your face"
I said reaching out to wipe it off, she smacked my hand away,
"Don't touch me!"
I stepped back
"Fuck off save it! You have the nerve to come back hear after what you did?"
She glared at me
"Im sorry Jake, but I can't trust you anymore."
She quickly closed the door. I slid down the door. What would make her believe me? I got up and ran.
Holly's POV
I fell back on to the couch and pressed play on my movie, picking up my ice cream and continued to watch, in the back of my mind I could net help but wonder why Jake would go as far as to say he loved me? What if... No I would not let myself get hurt by him again. I was weak and I'll admit a little desperate for love. But I was stronger now. I won't be fooled by love again. Sinking back into the couch, I continued to dig into my ice cream replenishing it from time to time, I'll just run 10 miles later so I wouldn't feel so bad about it. My phone buzzed, picking it up I smiled when I saw Lexie's message,
L: hey you! I wanted to check up, I'm on my way and I and bring more ice cream, knowing you you have most likely wiped your house clean!
H: hahaha thanks sweetie!😘 I missed you! Can't wait. and you know me to well!
"I can't believe this!"
Lexie gaped at me when I recounted everything.
"Good girl moving on from that pice of shit!"
I laughed,
"Yeah... I guess I never knew what moving on really felt like."
"Feels pretty awesome right?"
"Hell yeah,"
"Ohhhh look Atticus Mitchell!"
Laughing as she stared at the screen, re-watching My Babysitters a Vampier was fun, This was our show when it first aired, we had been obsessed.... okay we still are. Laughing I picked up the double fudge ice cream Lexie has brought.
"Do you realize how much you mean to me?"
She looked over at me.
I smiled,
"You have been there for me when no one else was. your not my friend your my sister, I love you to the moon and back "
She smiled!
"Thanks Holly!"
She paused.
"I love you to the edge of the Galaxy and back!"
I sucked in my breath pretending to be shocked
"Lexie! I-I don't think I can top that,"
I pressed my hand to my forehead pretending to swoon and feint.
We spent the rest of the afternoon and late into the night in laughter and I'll admit, I had never felt happier.
Jake POV
My feet pounded, my heart raced, swear poured down my head,
My trainer shouted. Id been at the gym for three hours. My trainer, Tim increased the speed of the treadmill, forcing me to push myself harder. After about ten minutes he stopped the treadmill and looked at me.
"What's up?"
I looked at him.
"Don't bull shit me Jake, did something happen with Holly?"
All my energy seemed to drain away,
"So much..."
He looked at me strangely,
"You what to grab a sandwich and talk about it?"
I was about to refuse, but something stopped me,
"Shit man that sucks!"
We were sitting at a table eating turkey club subs.
"Yeah... I know."
"Maybe she's just not the one for you."
I clenched my fist.
"No. I know she's the one, I fucked up to many times... now she's gone!"
I looked up at him, he was biting his cheek.
"People come and go, it may seem like that in the moment, but normally its not meant to be."
I chewed my sub and thought about it,
"If you could do one thing for a girl to get her back what would you do?"
Tim regarded me,
"Anything...If I loved her enough."
I chewed my lip.
He looked at me and I realized something,
"Someone broke your heart"
He nodded.
"Her name was Emily, she was sweet kind smart... Beautiful."
He smiled a little sadly.
"She was everything to me. Then one day She called me and my sister answered the phone, she thought it was another girl I was seeing."
He shook his head,
" I would never have hurt her. But she did not believe me... Women"
He gave a slight laugh. I bit my lip deep in thought... anything
"Thanks for lunch but I have to get going."
He gave me a knowing look,
"Good luck champ!"
Holly's POV
Shit. I glanced at my clock, why did my 30 minute naps always turn into 4 hour naps? Why? WHY? Now that I was longer in cheer I had a lot more time on my hands. Deciding to deal with the rumbling in my stomach, I hopped out of bed and threw on black skinny jeans a floral button up blouse and silver flats. Pulling my hair up and into a loose ponytail I jumped in my new car. I had managed to get a new on after my little 'accident' I liked it a lot better than my old one. It was a new Nessain and completely amazing! Backing out of my drive I heading to the ice cream parlor in downtown. I stepped in and walked up to the counter.
"what can I get for you?"
The lady behind the counter was pretty, she had long blonde hair and beautiful eyes.
"Ummm il have a Snickers caramel and chocolate shake please."
She smiled
"For sure!"
I smiled and payed. I sat down and was about to take out my phone when someone spoke.
"Hey! Do you mind if I sit with you?"
Looking up a saw a gorgeous boy around my age, he was tall and had light brown hair a little darker then mine, his eyes seemed blue, but when I looked closer they seemed to shift to blue then back to green, he was dressed in ripped blue jeans a white V-neck tee and a red hoodie.
"My names Shawn."
I smiled and nodded.
"Of course! I'm Holly."
Hiiiiii! OMG beauties! It's been too long! What have all you beautiful people been up to?? Tell me everything! I want to make a small rant on bulling if you don't mind. It sucks! People don't realize how simple words can have a lasting effect on the people the inflict them on. If you are being bullied you are not alone! I'm living proof that you can get through all the tough times. And although it will always be there, just remember your beautiful and that's all that matters! Next time you wake up, go to the mirror and look at yourself and say to yourself: I'm beautiful and I love me!
Okay beauties as always, thanks for reading and remember to stay gorgeous!

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