What Just Happened?

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Jake's POV

Today was the day. I was going to get Holly back. She and Shawn had not even been together for a 2 weeks they would not have time to get in a tight relationship. (Sweetie if you only KNEW!!) I hated the thought of Holly with someone else. I have said it so many times, it just makes me want to break something every time the thought crossed my mind, and currently that thing I wanted to break was Shawn's neck. Why could Holly not see that I had no cheated on her? This was another thing I could not help but ask myself every fucking day! I needed to go to the gym. I changed into workout clothes and grabbed the keys to my car. My mom and dad were home for once, but I had no desire to see them. I walked out the door into the early morning light and climbed into my car and pulled out of the driveway. As I drove I was thinking about what to do. I wanted to shower that I was the best person for her. And clear my name that I had never cheated.

10 Minutes later I pulled into the gym parking lot, I hopped out of the car and walked through the double doors.

"Hey Jake!"

I looked and saw my trainer walking over to me.

"Was not expecting you until tomorrow. Whats up?"

I shrugged and walked with him over to the weight training equipment.

"That bad huh?"

I gave a slight laugh,

"am I that obvious?"

He chuckled and began to set up my workout.

"no I have just known you for a while, I can tell."

I debated if I should tell him or not.

"wait don't you have school today?"

I looked at him. No way was I going to school today.

"I am skipping."

Normally I would be kicked out and sent to school, but he kept me in and helped me prep. I was glad he did not ask many questions. I pushed my self. It helped me clear my mind when I gave my self a harder workout. As I felt the sweat start to trickled down my neck I pushed my self harder. My mind began to clear as I could only focus on not dropping the weight.


Holly's POV

My eyes flickered open. Sunlight was streaming through my skylight, I felt a heavy weight on my waist. The memories from last night flooded back into my mind. I turned over to see Shawn still fast asleep.


He did not move but I saw his eyelids flicker he was faking.

"wake up."

He still did not move I could not help but giggle.

"Okay, move you arm I don't know about you but I want to graduate."

He smiled and opened his eyes and stretched.

"Morning to you to beautiful."

I smiled and reached over and brushed stray strands of hair back from his face. He caught my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Why don't we just skip?"

I thought about it, actually it was a tempting offer. I really did not want to go to school. I was to lazy, I leaned forward and lightly kissed him.


His face lit up.


I laughed and snuggled into his chest and nodded.

"But I don't want to get up yet."

He laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around me squeezing me. I let out a squeak, he burst out laughing,

" what was that?"

I laughed

"I don't know! It just came out!"

He just laughed harder I joined in. By the time we stopped my sides were killing me.


Jake's POV


I pumped my legs as the speed of the treadmill increased. I was sprinting now my legs burned and sweat soaked my shirt. Finally the cool down began.

"good job that's the most improvement i'v seen in weeks."

I felt good as I jumped off the treadmill and hit the showers. Maybe a walk would clear my head, I thought about going down to the river where I had gone after Holly and I- well Holly had called it quits. I pulled on jeans a fresh tee-shirt and converse. I waved goodbye to the staff as I walked to my car. After I pulled next to the road and walked into the woods.


Shawn's POV

"you look cute in that beanie."

Holly smiled and slipped her hand into mine. We had decided to go for a walk. Holly had insisted that we go to this place she had in mind. She was not telling me where it was. She was dressed in a long sleeved white shirt a silver beanie and black skinny jeans with grey UGG's. Around her wrist was a bracelet,I took a closer look. It was a lock in the shape of a heart with Tiffany and Co. printed on it. Her blue eyes seemed to grow if possible bluer as we reached a forest. A spark of excitement gleamed in both of her irises. She pulled me after her. I stumbled slightly and she laughed.

"keep up!!"

She called.

"its kinda hard when your pulling me!"

I said trying to control my laughter. I eventually caught up with her, and we fell into step with each other.

"So are you going to tell me where we are yet?"

"hmmmmmm..... Okay. This is the place where I always go to think. If its sunny I'll sit in the sun for hours. If it's raining ill lie down and let the rain wash every negative thought away."

She had a glazed look in her eyes and a soft smile played at her lips.

" It's pretty nice I take it?"

She nodded, and a minute later we had entered a clearing, a sparkling river ran through it and off into the woods they sky was a bright blue and soft grass and patches of flowers dotted the meadow that was spread before us.


Holly laughed and sprinted off to the river. I followed her laughing as she stumbled and rolled down the hill that lead to the river.



Hello Beauties!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think of Holly and Shawn's relationship. I think its kinda cute! LESS THAN A MONTH UNTIL SUMMER!!!

lol sorry i'm to excited!

Don't forget to:



and remember to STAY GORGEOUS!



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