Chapter 18: Erik's Dark Thoughts

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    Madame Giry with Meg began to live with Christine to help her caring for her injured husband. Erik was actually brave. When they had to change the bandages he tried to make them (and himself) believe it did not hurt and he's not in any pain... Even through the pain was horrible. Christine was a little bit afraid to sleep next to him at night not to hurt him somehow. ,,Please... I would rather die in your arms than to be surviving alone like all these lonely years" he whispered weakly. Christine felt so pity. Poor Erik. He just wanted to protect madame Giry. Why is life so cruel to him?... He lost much of blood and was even more pale than when he experienced the Scarlet fever...  But he could sit by his piano and play for them all. ,,Your husband is so delicate" Meg told Christine one day at the kitchen. ,,I know" Christine answered. ,,I want him to heal sooner... You know... I want to have children" she whispered to her. Meg smiled sweetly and giggled a bit. ,,Do you want to? And did you tell Erik already about it?" she asked and Christine smiled. ,,Not yet. He's too weak yet. He has to be able at least to write music again. That will be a prove that he's healthy and strong again. He was stabbed under his lungs... That's not fun... He needs calm first of all now" Madame Giry came to them to wash a plate. ,,Erik has his philosophies again... " she said. ,,Is he romanticizing the death again?" Christine asked. ,,Yes... He's enthusing about death again" madame Giry nodded. Christine sighed... She knew that unfortunately Erik was used to do that sometimes. She went to see him. He looked quite satisfied. Lying in the bed and even didn't look that pale anymore. She took his hand. ,,What were you talking about today again, angel?" she asked him. ,,Bury Erik somewhere on a peaceful meadow... Erik wishes that" he said. Christine didn't want to correct him talking in the third person again. She focused on what he said.  She squeezed his hand and shaked him carefully not to hurt him. ,,Listen to me, Erik Destler! You are not going to die! Can you hear me?! You are not! Not from this... You'll die peacefully one day as an old man and a grandfather. But not now" she tried not to yell at him. Erik just smiled at her. ,,A grandfather?"  ,,Yes! I also want to have children. I want a child, Erik... I want to have children with my husband" Christine told him. ,,Already?" Erik found it funny but couldn't laugh. ,,We just got married. And I want you to spoil me more" he begged.  Christine caressed his hair.  ,,Don't worry. I'll spoil you more than you can imagine"  she hugged him carefully. ,,You'll heal, angel... It's all going to be fine.

Welcome back my dear readers!!! I've had a break but I'm back to write again. I really enjoy it.



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