Chapter 9: Hope

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     Two weeks later

  Erik's health condition wasn't getting better at all. It seemed to be worse. Christine was desperate. She tried to read the books and buy some herbs. They seemed to be helpful but Erik was too weak and tired. He was stubborn and began to refuse the healing herbs. ,,I can't take this, Christine... Erik doesn't deserve this" he whispered. ,,You have to.. Take it, angel, please... If you love me" Christine caressed his face. She was afraid to lose Erik. He mustn't die like her father many years ago. ,,You must get strength. I don't want you to die, Erik... You have to do this" He closed his eyes and took another spoon. ,,Maybe you should do something... Can you already stand up?" ,,I think I can" Erik answered.
,,You should take a bath again... It will take down a fever" Christine told him and helped him to get up. When he went to the bathroom Christine had a time to read again. She was ready to do everything she can to save his life. When he came back he tried to do something. He didn't want Christine to feel like a maid. He changed a bed linen and lied down. ,,Christine... Christine..." he whispered. Christine came to him and sat down on the bed. ,,Come to me.." he said and opened his arms. She was surprised. He never came to her when she was sleeping but now he wanted her to hold him. She hugged him tight. ,,When you are in my arms I am sure I won't die" he admitted. She kissed his whole face to make him sure that she loves even his deformed side. ,,You won't... I won't let you die. We will marry and have the happiest life" she whispered to him.
    Two hours later madame Giry came. She held a glass of honey in her hands.  ,,Christine, look what I've brought to you... Is Erik getting better?" she asked. Christine looked sad. ,,No... Absolutely not. He is getting worse...I am afraid" Madame Giry caressed her hair. ,,Can I see him or not?" ,,Yes... Probably" Christine let her tears come out. Madame Giry hugged her and they both came over to Erik. He had his eyes closed but he wasn't sleeping.  Madame Giry took his hand felt his forehead. He breached very slow. She stood up and caressed Christine's shoulder. They went out the bedroom. ,,My dear Christine... You should start to pack up and get back to us with Meg... I am worrying that he is dying... " Christine began to cry loudly. ,,Noooo!" Erik was so weak but when he heard Christine screaming he gathered all his strength and ran to hug her. ,,Don't cry, angel...Don't cry.. " Christine and madame Giry were fascinated. He was able to stand up himself.  Christine smiled in tears and hugged him back. ,,Oh my God, Erik!!! You are awake!!" she kissed his cheek. Madame Giry felt his forehead again. ,,But you have a fever... And not a low one... Go and lay down... Do it for Christine. You must marry soon" she told him. Erik agreed.
   At the evening he looked worse again. Christine lied down next to him and held him to warm him up. He whispered to her: ,,Anywhere you go, let me go too... Christine, that's all I ask of you..." then he fell asleep. Christine held his hand and fell asleep too. 
    In the morning she heard a lovely sound of the piano. She got up immediately without looking next to herself. Erik was sitting by his piano with his mask on playing and singing.

,,Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor
Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender
Turn your face away from the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light
And listen to the music of the night..."

When he realized that Christine is awake he smiled at her. ,,Good morning, Christine" she ran to hold him immediately and kissed whole his head. ,,Erik! Oh, Erik! My angel! You are alive! You healed! Thanks God... Erik... Oh my goodness!"

Hello readers! I hope you liked this chapter. So, Erik healed and you can be excited for Christine's second wedding. Be patient :)



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