Chapter 8: Angel Is Ill

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Everything was prepared for the wedding. Christine was excited for their ceremony at the empty opera house night when everyone else will be gone. Just Meg and madame Giry will stay. The wedding was supposed to happen in a week. Christine looked at her new wedding dress. It was so beautiful. She went to see Erik. He wasn't writing neither playing the piano. ,,Erik?" he didn't answer... She came to her bedroom. Erik was sitting on the swan bed and breached hardly. ,,Erik..." Christine was worried. He was more pale than ever before. She came over to him and caressed his hair. He was hot just as a fire. Especially his forehead. His hands were very cold. ,,Are you alright?" she worried. ,,Erik just doesn't feel well today, Christine... Don't be afraid" Erik said quietly. He talked in third person again... That was a proof that he didn't feel well. ,,What is it, angel?" Christine asked him before he fainted right on the bed. She was frightened like never before...She ran up to the opera to see madame Giry.
Madame Giry didn't have a lesson with ballerinas that day. Christine found her with Meg in her dressing room. ,,Christine! Are you alright? You look stressed" madame Giry cared. ,,Erik is ill... He has a fever. He fainted... I am so worried about him. We are going to marry, you know. He must heal" Christine said. ,,That makes sense..." Meg said. ,,I've seen Erik two days ago out at night picking flowers for you. And around him walked a couching man..." she admitted. ,,What could it be?" Christine worried. ,,Could I see him?" madame Giry asked and Christine agreed in tears of fear.
They came right next to the bed. Christine, Meg and madame Giry. She came over to Erik and kneed. ,,Erik? Can you hear me?" Erik wasn't able to talk. Madame Giry still tried to communicate with him. Christine was hugging Meg crying. They both went to walk a little. After a while madame Giry came to them. ,,I am not a doctor. But because you both had it and me either.... I am worried that's a Scarlet fever..." ,,No, please no!" Christine cried even more. ,,We must call a doctor!" Meg said but madame Giry hushed her. ,,We can't. He's still wanted. They would kill him immediately... He must heal himself. I believe that he is very strong. He will fight it" ,,He must heal! I need him... I love him so much. I can't lose him now! I will do everything to save him" Christine promised in tears. She was ready to heal her future husband. ,,He needs warmth and water... I will come to you how often I can" madame Giry said and Christine hugged her. ,,Thank you very much... "
When Meg and madame Giry left Christine went to Erik. He was sleeping. She took his mask off him to breache better. Caressed his hair and brought him a warm coat. The lair was so cold and it wasn't good. Christine decided to sing for him...

,,Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me
We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been
Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you"

She felt Erik's cold hand holding her hand. Her tears were falling down. He felt her. He heard her... He knew that she loved him. His eyes were closed but he smiled. He looked more innocent than ever before. She held his hand tightly. ,,You will be fine again! Don't worry. Our wedding is coming. You will heal... "

Hello readers! I hope you still enjoy the story and you don't hate me for this chapter :D. I won't torture you and I'll try to write a new chapter soon.



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