Chapter 19: Denied Love

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It was almost three weeks since Erik got injured and he was slowly healing. He could walk already but his breathing was still painful. Madame Giry already moved with Meg because they weren't needed anymore. Erik refused another help. He was still very stubborn even when he needed Christine's help. He couldn't admit that.
It was evening. Erik was listening to the birds singing outside. It was still very unsual for him to hear. He was living isolated for so long. He didn't even remember when did he even heard that for the last time. Christine was wearing her typical white nightgown. She carefully lied down next to him. She wanted to sleep. ,,Wait..." Erik said quietly. ,,Won't you hold me again?... You aren't holding me at nights since I was stabbed..." he complained gently. Christine felt sorry for him. ,,You must understand me, angel... I am only worried. I can't hold you in my sleep when you are hurt. I could hurt you ever more by pressing your wound" she tried to explain. ,,You told me this before..." Erik shook his head. ,,I don't want you to behave like I'd be ill...I want you to hold me as if I was alright already. Please...Come to hold your angel...To warm your husband" he begged. Christine melted. She gently moved over to him and gently held him. ,,Tighter..." he whispered. ,,I want to sleep calmly" Christine couldn't just let him being sad. So decided to do that even through her fear of hurting him. When she held him tighter she heard his quiet concealed wail. Of course it had to be painful for him. She freed him from her holding immediately. ,,No! Please... You held me already and now you want to let me go again?" he reacted. ,,You're hurt. You need to heal and not to press your wound by hugs. When you'll heal I promise to hold you at days and nights" Christine promised him. Erik finally nodded and forcefully closed his eyes. He felt bad for his wife refusing to hug him. He knew she did it because of saving his life. But it was still a torture for him. She denied him touches. These loving touches of a wife. He just met the feeling and it was already denied for him again. He fell asleep quietly like a little injured animal....

Hey, readers!
This is a shorter chapter and more psychological. It shows more Erik's feelings. Next chapter coming soon, don't worry!



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