Chapter 4: No One Would Listen

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Christine stopped right by the opera house in the early morning. She led the horses to the stable and went in. She met a ballet dancer immediately. ,,Christine!" ,,Amanda!" she hugged her. The girl was surprised. ,,What are you doing here? I thought you were married to the vicomte" ,,Yes, I was... " Christine said sadly. ,,Was he mean to you?", Amanda cared. ,,A little bit. He also cheated on me and then used me just to be a housewife" Christine admitted. ,,I am so sorry, Christine. But I am sure Meg will be so happy to see you again!" Amanda smiled cheerfully but Christine shook her head. ,,Not yet, please... I will come, I promise. But I have to do something first. Can you accompany me to my dressing room?" she asked. Amanda took her arm and they quietly went to Christine's dressing room. It was still the same. ,,Thank you very much" Christine said and hugged Amanda, who decided to leave her alone in there to give her privacy. Christine stood in front of her mirror. ,,My angel of music..Are you still here?" she asked. But no one answered. She sat down on the floor and began to cry again. Erik wasn't behind the mirror. ,,Forgive me... Please, forgive me..." she whispered. After a while she felt like she heard something. A music something far... It was a piano! Could be Erik alive? She quietly went through the mirror just like three months ago. She found herself in the catacombs again... What a nostalgia. She followed the lovely sound of the piano. She was sure that she hears Erik's voice.

,,No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears.

Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude
I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music"

It was definitely Erik's voice singing. Christine never heard something more beautiful. She boarded the boat like the last time and still followed Erik's voice.

,,Then at last, a voice in the gloom
Seemed to cry "I hear you;
I hear your fears,
Your torment and your tears."

She saw my loneliness
Shared in my emptiness
No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears"

Erik was sitting at the piano. He was wearing black trousers and white shirt. He looked like he just cried.. ,,Erik.. Dearest Erik" Christine said when she got out the boat. Erik turned back and saw her. He looked at her like at a ghost. ,,Christine... What-what are you doing here?" he seemed happy to see her again but also broken. Christine's eyes were full of tears and she ran into Erik's arms immediately. ,,Forgive me, my angel of music. Forgive me, please!" Erik was blessed by her loving hug but still didn't understand anything. ,,You are married, right?" he asked softly. ,,For two months" Christine said. ,,I have to explain you a lot of things... " she said. Erik was so happy to see Christine coming back to him herself. ,,Raoul cheated on me... And when I realized that he slapped me... It's not that Raoul I thought it was" she told him. Erik felt pity for her and also angry at Raoul. ,,I ran away from him... I don't want to be his wife anymore... You just have to promise that you won't ever hurt him... He has nothing to do with me. No more..." Erik was going to cry but he didn't want to seem weak. ,,And why you came to me?" he wished that she would tell him that she loved him. ,,I made a wrong choice, Erik... I loved Raoul and you both... But I made a mistake. I love you, Erik... Really. More than ever before" Christine said. Erik wasn't able to stay strong anymore. He kneed in front of her and cried. Christine never knew Erik was able to cry that much. She had seen him crying only once. After she kissed him. But this time it was so strong. She saw the man she feared once crying like a little boy. She sat down to him. ,,Erik... Stop, please. Don't cry"
He looked at her. ,,I just can't believe, Christine. That's all" he said. She caressed his cheek. ,,Will you forgive me?" ,,No need..." Erik whispered. ,,You didn't do anything wrong. I should ask you for forgiveness... I've hurt you so much... I am a bad human who doesn't even deserve to live" Christine grabbed him by the shoulder gently. ,,Erik, stop! Please... Just love me... That's all I ask of you" Erik looked at her and gave her a tiny smile. ,,Christine... I love you..." he said in tears and finally kissed her. It was so honest and pleasant kiss. Christine was sure that Erik is her true love. She never realized how gentle he was. He was just hurt. Very much... She wanted to do everything she could for him. ,,Are you going to stay here?" Erik asked carefully. ,,If you let me" Christine blushed. ,,How cruel I'd be not to let you" he said and accompanied her to the swan bed. She was pleased. He caressed her cheek and was ready to leave her sleeping. ,,Good night, Christine... " he whispered and left.

Hey! Thanks for reading :) I hope you enjoy the story. If you waited for Erik, he's finally here. I'll do everything to write at least one chapter every day. I have the whole fanfiction story in my head.



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