Chapter 2: Something Is Wrong

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Two months later:

Christine became a vicomtesse. She had the prettiest dresses, expensive perfumes, beautiful jewelries. But something changed. When they married they were so in love. Their fresh marriage was so passionate and exciting. They were together whole days. Dancing, sitting in the garden and making love. It changed much. It was only two months from the wedding day and Christine already felt like Raoul got tired with her. She missed him. He was away from home almost every day. She missed his kisses, his warmth... She was sad.
It was early spring, cold evening. Raoul still wasn't home. Christine was sitting on the sofa and reading. She remembered the opera. How she missed singing and.... Maybe she missed something more than just singing. Something... Maybe someone. Erik... Her poor unhappy Erik. Is he still in his lair? Is he even alive?... Christine was going to cry. She was sure that he died... If they didn't kill him, he died of a broken heart.... She didn't know why she even thought of him. She was supposed to forget him. She's vicomtesse de Chagny now. But her husband seems to be tired of her already after two months of their marriage. Maybe it was just her feeling. She wasn't sure. She stood by the window and remembered the song she sang before meeting Raoul again.

,,Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me"

Finally she heard Raoul coming back. She smiled and ran to him. ,,Raoul! Oh, Raoul! I missed you so much" she hugged him. ,,I missed you too, Christine. Is the dinner prepared?" he asked. What? He cared only about the food? Christine was nervous. He behaved like that that more and more. She decided to ask him. ,,Raoul,what's wrong? Is everything okay?" Raoul probably didn't care about it and went right to the kitchen. ,,You didn't make a dinner, Christine? Why? Didn't you think of me?" he seemed to be upset. ,,Aren't you going to tell me where you are the whole days? It's about three weeks you leave in the morning and come back very late. Won't you kiss me at least?" Christine asked. She was upset too. ,,You wouldn't understand" Raoul said. ,,And I am supposed to tell you why I didn't make a dinner yet?" Christine asked. ,,Yes, you are. Because you are a wife and...." ,,And I am someone less than you...I have to obey you all the time and you aren't even able to tell me where you are?" Christine felt bad. She expected that Raoul will respect her more. And not that when she's a woman, so she's less than her husband... That's probably because he is from aristocratic family. Of course there it is like that.... Raoul was tired and absolutely didn't want to talk to her. Christine was sure she was going to find out the reason why Raoul seems not to love her anymore after such a short time.

I hope you enjoy the story yet. I try to write as much as I can. Quarantine is quite good for this XD. Next chapter coming tomorrow.



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