Chapter 5: Second Chance

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Christine woke up in the afternoon. She was satisfied with the fact that she mustn't care about her cheating husband anymore. The bed was still the same. She stood up and looked where Erik was. He was like usually sitting by the piano and played the most tender melody. Christine was fascinated. He was really still alive and still writing his music. She didn't understand her own feelings. She wanted to see the right side of his face again. Erik smiled at her a little bit. ,,Did you sleep well?" ,,Yes, I did", Christine said with a huge smile. ,,Maybe you should sleep a little too" she added. ,,You came early in the morning. You were tired and needed to sleep a bit. I don't need it. I sleep when I am tired. And I am not yet" Erik explained. Christine felt like he was happy that she is there. She wanted to please him somehow. ,,Aren't you hungry, Erik?" she asked. ,,No, Christine. I am not. I am honestly not used to eat too much" he admitted. Christine felt so pity. Of course he wasn't used. He lived like an outcast. He was an outcast. ,,But you have to. Or you are going to die... " she said. Erik looked worried. ,,I am just afraid that you'll leave me again... I suffered so much, Christine. I don't want to experience it again" he whispered. Christine came over to him feeling so bad for him. She caressed his hair and he closed his eyes. ,,I am so sorry for leaving you... I won't do it again, I promise. You don't need to hide anything from me anymore" she told him. He finally came over to her and Christine kissed him...It made him feel like he was kissed by an angel. ,,Could you... " Christine felt embarrassed. ,,What?" Erik asked. ,,Could you show me your face again?" Christine's question scared Erik a little bit even knowing that she already had seen it. ,,Raoul was the most handsome man I've ever seen, Erik. But he cheated on me and then hit me when realized that I knew about it. Please, don't be afraid. I won't be scared. I've seen it before" Christine said tenderly. ,,Say you love me" Erik whispered to her. ,,I love you, Erik... I always did. It just took a long time to realize that you are the right choice" Christine said. Erik closed his eyes again and let Christine take his mask off. She wasn't afraid of deformity of his right side of his face anymore. Maybe she got used but it didn't seem that bad to her. She smiled at him. ,,You don't need to do this in front of me. I'll love you just the way you are" she said. Erik was melting of her words. She was his angel. He finally found a courage to ask her again... He kneed in front of her and gave her the ring she gave him back that time she left. ,,Christine... Dearest Christine. Will you marry me this time?" Christine's eyes were full of tears immediately. She was sure what to tell him. ,,Yes... Yes, I will! I will marry you, Erik" Erik looked shining. Christine had never seen him so happy. She agreed to marry him herself without any force. She wanted him. She came back to him. It absolutely didn't feel real to him. He began to cry of happiness. Christine caressed his cheek gently and gave him a warm hug. She had a second chance to have a happy marriage. The choice she made seemed to be right.
,,I should make a new wedding dress for you" Erik said. Christine almost forgot how beautiful dresses he was able to make. She smiled at him. ,,I am sure this time it will look even more beautiful" After a while she stopped smiling and looked serious. ,,Erik... I just have to go to see Meg and madame Giry. One of ballerinas had already seen me and I have to hug them at least" she said. Erik looked worried. ,,Won't you leave me again, will you?" Christine took his hand. ,,Of course not, my angel. I will come back as soon as I'll be able" He smiled at her. ,,Alright... Go. I'll be waiting for you"
Christine felt bad about leaving Erik alone but she just wanted to see her beloved people. She came right after the first pause of Meg's ballet lesson was. ,,Meg!" she waved at her. ,,Christine!" Meg was surprised and ran to her arms. ,,Oh, Christine. I've missed you. What are you doing here? Where is Raoul? How is your marriage?" she had so many questions. Christine sighed. ,,The beginning of our marriage was amazing. Full of love, joy and desire. But after a while Raoul seemed to stop longing for me... His desire for me was gone. Then I realized that he was cheating on me... I wanted him to explain. I kind of wanted him to say sorry and to love only me again. But he hit me... He just hit me. I am so disappointed in him. He isn't that amazing husband I imagined him to be. I just ran away tonight... I realized that maybe I made a mistake. Because though I tried to deny it.... I still love Erik" ,,The phantom!" Meg looked worried. ,,Christine, you must be joking! He is a murderer and a monster. You can't love him or even marry him!" Christine wanted to say something but madame Giry just came. ,,He isn't a monster, Meg... He is the most poor creature I've ever meet. World tortured him his whole life since he was a little boy. Maybe Christine is right. I don't think either that he is really a bad person. He is just hurt... Very hurt. He wouldn't ever kill anyone if he was loved... " Christine smiled at her. ,,Thank you..." ,,Maybe I wasn't right about him... I'm so sorry. Maybe he is really just hurt" Meg said. Christine showed them her ring. ,,He asked my hand and heart again. This time I decided to say yes"
,,Will you invite us to the wedding?" Meg asked cute. ,,Of course! Erik will be so happy to see madame Giry again... She saved his life"

Hey! I hope you still enjoy reading. So, Erik and Christine are going to marry soon :). But the next chapter it won't be yet XD.



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