Chapter 30

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Levi turned to see a slowly approaching (Y/N), an uncharacteristically distant look in her eyes.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)!" Isabel didn't hesitate to yell an obnoxiously loud greeting. Furlan rolled his eyes at her and Levi remained silent.

"Hey." (Y/N) stood about ten feet away from them, a sheepish look on her face.

Levi's brows furrowed. (Y/N) was many things but never sheepish.

"Well, what are you doing all the way over there?" Levi tilted his head in a gesture that implied she should join them.

(Y/N) smiled softly and followed Levi's instructions. Unfortunately, though, he was sandwiched between Isabel and Furlan. So, instead of disrupting their pattern, (Y/N) made her way over to sit next to Isabel. The two of them had grown exceedingly close in the last weeks. Isabel had visited her room a countless number of times and (Y/N) felt as though she'd found a little sister of sorts.

Even Furlan had become a member of her inner circle. Though they had never spent much time together alone, the endless meals together had given them plenty of time to grow close.

And then there was Levi... (Y/N) had let him in so close that she didn't even know what to do with herself.

(Y/N) looked out at the view that her friends had managed to find. They'd found a ledge on the side of the castle that looked out over the field and directly at the now setting sun. It was breathtaking.

"Where have you been all night? You kind of rushed out at dinner."

(Y/N) turned her attention to Furlan, craning her neck to see him over the line of people.

"Oh, um, I needed to talk to Erwin and then I helped him with some paperwork for a while." (Y/N)'s voice was so far-off and removed that none of them even flinched at the mention of the Commander.

"Oi, is something wrong?" Levi's blunt question rang in (Y/N)'s ears as she folded her hand over in her lap. She felt nervous, so completely nervous. She didn't know how to express her thoughts without scaring them or making them worry.

"Um, no, nothing is really wrong it's just, well, I, um-"

"Spit it out, brat." Levi's voice was impatient but (Y/N) was sure that she could detect an undercurrent of worry.

She sighed. She still had no idea how to say it but she'd just have to try.

"You all know that tomorrow is... the expedition." (Y/N) paused, only receiving blank stares from her friends.

"Well, I just want you all to know that..."

She couldn't say love. Not with Levi sitting right there. That would be too much. Besides, the way she felt about Levi was completely different from the way she felt about Isabel and Furlan. A blanket statement wouldn't apply.

"I just want you all to know that I need you."

(Y/N) waited for any kind of response but it seemed that all three of them were waiting for further elaboration.

"Look, none of you have ever been outside the walls so I can't expect you to ever be completely prepared but... please, just... stay alive. I need you to stay alive. All of you."

Again, silence. But this time (Y/N) didn't really have much to add.

Finally, the silence was broken by a laugh. A laugh.

(Y/N) stared in astonishment as Isabel giggled next to her. They were talking about life and death and Isabel was laughing.

Finally, the laughing quieted and Isabel spoke up.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now