Chapter 48

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(Y/N) woke to the feeling of the bed sinking beside her. At first, she registered nothing but the disruption of the movement and she turned her face further into her pillow, trying to fall back asleep.

But then she felt fingers running through her hair and a hand resting on her hip and she realized that Levi was sitting next to her.

She turned onto her back, rubbing at her eyes as she forced them to open. When the world finally came into focus, she saw that she'd been right. Levi was leaning over her, a surprisingly content look on his face.

(Y/N) sleepily smiled up at him, her eyes still half-lidded.


She reached her hand up and saw him catch her wrist and press his lips to her palm.

Her smile grew wider and she started to prop herself up but before she could get too far, Levi's hands slid under her arms and he pulled her into his lap.

Her back pressed against his chest and she turned to look at him. She was definitely more awake now that he'd just moved her around like a ragdoll.

Levi ignored her surprised expression and placed a kiss on the back of her neck. He moved down her spine and when he reached a certain point, he felt her shudder and then heard her sigh.

He raised an eyebrow even though she couldn't see. It seemed like he'd found a new spot.

He was just about to go back for more when (Y/N) spoke up.

"What time is it?"

It was Levi's turn to sigh. He was intrigued by the possibilities that came along with exploring the new zone he'd found. Oh well. It would just have to wait.

He moved his chin into the curve of her neck and spoke softly into her ear.

"Just past six. I didn't know how long you'd need to get ready."

(Y/N) leaned back into him, a feeling of bliss overtaking her. She couldn't believe that this was going to be her life from now on. Levi beside her, the sun shining through the window, the fire keeping the room warm enough to barely need the blankets. It was so... euphoric.


(Y/N)'s bliss faded as she saw what Levi was pushing into her hands. It was her tea.

She groaned.

"Leeevi, I just woke up."

Levi gently nudged her head to the side to expose more of her neck. He worked his lips over the skin as he answered her.

"Exactly. Get it over with. Besides, isn't this better than just my hand on your thigh under some shitty Mess Hall table?"

(Y/N) furrowed her brows as she glared down at the drink in her hands. It was the damn tea that was shitty.

But she knew he was right. It would be better to just get it done now and not have to worry about it at breakfast. Plus, having Levi so close wouldn't hurt.

(Y/N) sighed again as she lifted the cup to her lips and took the first gulp. Disgusting.

A shudder of revulsion took over her body and she felt Levi tighten his arms around her waist.

She groaned and seriously considered tossing the cup across the room. But she didn't.

(Y/N) took gulp after gulp and then, finally, she shoved the cup back into Levi's hand.

He took it from her and set it on the bedside table before he turned her head back and kissed her.

He pulled away quickly, his brows furrowing and his lips pulling back from his teeth in a look of loathing.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now