Chapter 21

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"For me?"

(Y/N)'s heart rate was increasing by the second as Levi's silver eyes glinted in the glowing moonlight and pierced through her. She could feel herself freezing up and quickly spoke, trying to break from her onsetting stupor.

"H-How can I help?"

Levi shifted his weight and lifted his gaze to the stars. He was grateful for the dark of the night, otherwise (Y/N) might have been able to make out the awkwardness on his features.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk..." Levi struggled to get his words out and his voice ended up sounding a bit more intense than he had intended.

"A walk?" (Y/N)'s tone was genuinely curious.

Levi nodded and shifted his gaze from the stars to the ground. "You said you don't sleep well most nights and that you go for walks. Well, I don't sleep well either, so... I figured we could go together."

(Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat and flames erupted within her. She wanted so badly to say yes right then and there, but something was holding her back.

"Levi... is this something that friends do?"

Levi glanced up at her. That wasn't a question he'd been expecting. If he was being honest, their boundaries hadn't even crossed his mind when he'd made his way over to (Y/N)'s room. Seeking her out had just seemed like the natural thing to do.

(Y/N) patiently awaited his response. She hadn't asked the question for any kind of dramatic effect or to make a point, she just genuinely wanted to know the answer.

When it came to Levi, all of the lines were blurred and everything became a confused mess. (Y/N) thought that she would go for a walk with Hange or Kate if they had showed up in a similar fashion, but Levi was so different from them.

"It's just a damn walk. Besides, I can't just let you wander around alone at night."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Levi, I was wandering around alone at night long before you arriv-"

"Well not anymore." Levi cut her off before she could finish and his gaze grew more intense. "Are we going or not?"

(Y/N) paused, contemplating her options. Going with Levi was like asking for boundaries to be crossed but, somehow, not going with him seemed even worse. Turning him away now would be rude, right?

Sighing, (Y/N) gave in. "Let me get my shoes."

(Y/N) stepped back, leaving the door wide open as she crossed her room to pick up her boots, which had been thrown in opposite directions upon being taken off earlier. After retrieving them, (Y/N) slipped them on as she returned to the entryway. She felt a fluttering in her chest as she grew more aware of the fact that she would be going on moonlit walk with none other than Levi.

But, her excitement quickly faded when she discovered the expression on his face. (Y/N) had only ever seen such a look of horror on the faces of soldiers on their first expeditions outside the walls. Levi's eyes were wide and frozen, staring beyond (Y/N) and into her room. His entire body remained deathly still and (Y/N) didn't even think he was breathing.

"Levi?! What's wrong?!"

(Y/N) began to panic and followed his gaze back into her room. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Turning back to Levi, she saw his lips quivering, trying to form words.

"Levi! What is it?!"

If he didn't start breathing soon, (Y/N) was going to slap him.

Finally, Levi took a shallow breath and murmured something so quietly that (Y/N) couldn't comprehend.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now