Chapter 39

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Their bath was warm and comforting, though Levi did most of the work. (Y/N) still felt weak and her muscles were exhausted, both from their physical activities and the emotional strain. The best she could do was kiss his skin and run her hands over his chest while he washed her.

Levi did his best to be gentle when he went over the mark on her neck. Every time he saw it, he felt a surge of shame.

He kissed the bite and then (Y/N)'s lips, trying to apologize. He did that with every imprint, scratch, and bruise he found, hoping she understood just how horrible he felt.

(Y/N) got the message. After a while, she couldn't stand to see the guilty look on his face any longer and she moved into him, locking their lips together. Tears fell down her cheeks as she kissed him, urging him to understand that everything was alright, that he hadn't hurt her, that she didn't blame him. After all, she'd done the exact same damage.

Eventually, they ran out of breath and laid against each other in the bath until the water went cold.

Levi got out first, helping (Y/N) to stand up behind him. He handed her a towel and watched as she dried herself, eventually wrapping it around herself until she could find her clothes.

(Y/N) nearly laughed when she thought about how many times she'd dressed and undressed in the last day. It was a little ridiculous. A certain someone couldn't seem to keep his hands off.

(Y/N) smiled when Levi handed her a toothbrush. His was already in his mouth and as soon as she took it, he returned to scrubbing his teeth while walking out to the main room. When he returned he had their clothes in his hands. He handed over everything that was hers and spit in the sink before dressing himself. (Y/N) did the same but paused when she got to her pants. The button was missing and she suddenly remembered a heated Levi getting a little too impatient.

"You broke my pants." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, an amused expression on her face.

Levi's eyes traveled to where the fabric was frayed, recalling how he'd torn the clothing off in haste.

He smirked. "They were in the way."

(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh, but not just because of his snarky comment. That smirk on his lips was the closest he'd come to a smile since the expedition. The sight made her hopeful.

Levi grabbed her hand, pulling her back to the room but paused when he realized that her legs had yet to regain their strength. He opted to just carry her instead.

He scooped her off the floor and eventually set her down in the desk chair. When he had her settled, he headed for the bed, ripping off the sheets and tossing them into the corner of the room. They were no doubt disgusting.

He made his way to the small closet and searched until he found a new set of bedding.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. How many sets of sheets did that closet have?

Levi had the bed made in minutes and (Y/N) had to hold in a laugh. A clean freak in his element.

The second he finished, he strode toward her, lifting her easily from the chair. He had both of them lying on the mattress in no time at all.

He pulled her close and her back pressed into his chest as they lay on their sides, their legs twining together automatically.

Levi kissed the back of her head and wrapped his arm around her waist. (Y/N) snuggled back against him, running her fingers up and down his forearm in an unconscious motion.

She felt comfortable, content, and, in a way, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Levi had opened her up to the discussion of Erwin and, while it might not have been the most professional conversation, she knew that they could begin to work through it. He loved her, she loved him. As long as they had that, they would make it.

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