Chapter 12

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(Y/N) remained in Erwin's office for what was left of the day. The endless piles of paperwork kept her more than occupied and she was grateful for such a repetitive task. It gave her time to allow her subconscious to work out the kinks of her situation with Levi.

Upon hearing Erwin's confession, (Y/N) had felt dreadful. She'd acted like a child, lashing out at Levi when he'd said just one thing that she wasn't keen to hear. She'd stormed off like a toddler and ran to the safety of Erwin's office. She could only imagine what he thought of her now.

And to think that Erwin had acted in such a way toward Levi, it explained his apparent hatred for the Commander. (Y/N) still didn't think it was very kind of Levi to insult her friend to her face, but she now realized that her actions had also been uncalled for. She would have to apologize.

She had yet to decide when, where, or how she was going to do it, but saying sorry was a necessity if she had any hope of appeasing the ache in her chest. Ever since she'd cooled off from her argument with Levi, the sting of anger had turned into an ache of longing. It was as if being apart from him was causing her physical discomfort.


(Y/N) was broken from her thoughts as she felt a warm hand lay across her shoulder. She looked up to see Erwin smiling down at her.

"Dinnertime is nearly over. If we want to get some food, we'd better head for the Mess Hall."

(Y/N) nodded in agreement and gently placed her pen on the table in front of her. The two of them had managed to make a serious dent in the overwhelming amounts of paperwork and only a few files remained untouched.

"We got a lot done, huh?" (Y/N) stood from her seat and grabbed her jacket from its spot across the back of the couch.

Erwin grinned at her, obviously happy that he would be able to get a real night's worth of sleep. "Yes, we certainly did. I can't thank you enough for your help."

(Y/N) waved her hand in dismissal. "Don't worry about it. It helped me just as much as it helped you."

Erwin gave her another gentle smile. "Right, well, I appreciate your help either way. On another note, we should get going."

(Y/N) beamed back at him. "Lead the way."

Erwin made his way to the door and opened it softly, allowing (Y/N) to pass through first before locking it behind him.

The two walked side by side through the corridors of the castle. Their silence was comfortable as both of their minds wandered in different directions. The sound of their footsteps echoed against the stone walls and (Y/N) felt herself growing anxious as they neared the Mess Hall. Would Levi be there? What should she do when she saw him? Apologize? Wait and then get him in a more private setting? There were too many uncertainties and (Y/N)'s head was beginning to spin. She'd never been in this type of a relationship before, whatever this type of relationship was, and she felt completely out of her element. 

Apparently her confusion was showing because Erwin placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as they rounded the final corner to the Mess Hall. (Y/N) looked up at him and his soft smile gave her the confidence she needed to put one foot in front of the other.

Finally, the two of them arrived at the meal hall, finding streams of soldiers filing out. The food tables looked fairly picked over and served as evidence that dinnertime was coming to a close.

(Y/N) hungrily scanned the crowd for Levi's face but found no trace of either him, Isabel, nor Farlan. She frowned. He'd probably eaten with the first wave of soldiers.

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