Chapter 54

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WARNING: If you listen to sad music/love songs, you may cry. I did. Lol.

Their ride back was quick and (Y/N) savored every moment. Levi had taken the reins again and (Y/N) held him tightly as she leaned against his back. She spent the trip breathing in the scent of his clothes, placing light kisses on his back and shoulders, running her hands over the hard muscles of his abdomen. It was relaxing, peaceful.

When they finally arrived back on base, they got a few curious looks as they rode up to the stables. (Y/N) just ignored them; she didn't really care.

Levi helped her down and then swung down himself before putting a quick kiss on her forehead and taking her hand.

They took Lex back to her stall and took off all of her equipment. (Y/N) made sure she had water and then given her a little extra hay. She'd worked hard.

They loaded all of their purchases back into the stachel, which Levi insisted on carrying, and then made their way back to their room. It was still just early afternoon when they returned and (Y/N) knew that it was still too early to start on the soup. But there was certainly something else to do that would fill the time perfectly.

A quick glance around the room had revealed that they desperately needed to unpack and stop living out of boxes. (Y/N) was surprised that Levi had allowed them to live in such a way at all. Maybe he'd been too caught up in their whirlwind of life changes. She certainly had been.

(Y/N) stored away all of their groceries and other purchases and then quickly moved on to the task of unpacking. She'd struck a deal with Levi and they'd agreed that he would clean and she would unpack. Both of them were perfectly satisfied with that arrangement. Levi seemed to genuinely enjoy cleaning and (Y/N) was just happy to have an option that didn't include scrubbing the floors on her hands and knees.

They got to work immediately and (Y/N) started with their clothes first. She hung their things in the closet and couldn't help but grin when she saw their things side by side. The sight made her heart race.

She put the boxes of Jack and Tika's things as well as Isabel and Furlan's in the back of the closet. But somehow, it felt different than the last time she'd hastily hidden Jack's things away in the corner. This time, it didn't hurt to look at them. They were just boxes. Boxes that held memories, but memories that she would no longer let drag her down.

She took one last glance before closing the closet door and moving on to the office.

She put their newly purchased books on the shelf before sighing and thinking about how pitiful it looked. They still had shelves upon shelves to fill and they only had a few actual books. It would take them their whole lives together to fill that many spots.

She continued going through their boxes, putting whatever had been in their old desks into their new one.

Eventually, she came across another book. Levi's mother's book.

She smiled at the sight of it and placed it in front of all their other books on the shelf. As far as she was concerned, it was one of their most prized possessions.

It didn't take her much longer to finish in the office and then she moved back out to the main room, emptying the miscellaneous contents of the remaining boxes. Towels and soap went to the bathroom, candles got tucked away in cabinets, and then, once they'd been completely emptied, the boxes were taken back to the supply closet they'd come from.

(Y/N) had finished her task but she knew Levi would be scrubbing all night if she let him. So she lifted from his crouch and told him it was time to start on dinner. It took a little prodding but eventually, and reluctantly, he left his cleaning for another day and moved to help her in the kitchen.

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