Chapter 32

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(Y/N) woke to a warm hand on her cheek. At first, she was confused, her eyes fluttering open at the touch. But then the memories of every kiss, every touch, came flooding back and a warm smile came to her lips.

Levi hovered over her, his expression stunningly neutral.

(Y/N) stretched out, feeling the tension in her muscles dissipate as she lifted herself to a sitting position. Her eyes blinked repeatedly as they tried to take in the scene.

Just the first few rays of daylight filled the sky and the air was still chilly. The pond was just as beautiful as ever but the early-morning light made it glow in an almost ethereal way.

(Y/N) turned her attention to Levi. He was on her right, his legs still entangled with hers.

A tender smile returned to her face and she reached for his neck, pulling him down and into a kiss.

"Good morning." (Y/N) spoke quietly against his lips. Her voice was rough and scratchy, drowsiness still clouding her consciousness.

Levi responded by kissing her again, his hand trailing up her side until his fingers could wrap around the back of her head.

(Y/N)'s hands went to his chest, roaming around until she hit the seam of his shirt. One of her hands slid underneath the fabric, allowing her to feel the burning skin she'd admired so much.

Apparently it drove Levi over the edge because before she knew it, (Y/N) was on her back, Levi's weight pushing her into the grass.

His lips traveled along every inch of skin he could find and it was so intoxicating that (Y/N) could barely find her voice.

"Levi, wait." (Y/N)'s words were barely a whisper.

Levi fought the urge to continue and came to slow stop, his head sinking into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck as he sighed. He did not want to stop.

(Y/N) sensed his annoyance and had to hold in a giggle. The idea that he wanted her so badly sent waves of adrenaline through her entire body.

But now was not the time. The sun was rising and soon soldiers would be waking up and readying themselves... for the expedition.

(Y/N) felt her giddiness dissipate. It wasn't that she'd forgotten about the expedition, she'd just sealed it away for the night. Now it was staring her in the face.

They would be moving out after breakfast and (Y/N) had plenty of things to do before then.

"I wish we could but... we need to get back."

Levi sighed again, his breath hot against (Y/N)'s neck. It took every ounce of his willpower to lift himself up, his mouth finding hers for one last kiss.

"Let's go then."

Levi stood, extending a hand down to her.

(Y/N) took it, hoisting herself up.

She nearly fell over.

Her hands grasped Levi's shoulders as she realized the soreness in her legs. Shit. Today was not the day to be sore.

Levi held in the snicker that would have escaped had he not made a conscious effort to keep a straight face. His hands found (Y/N)'s waist and he steadied her, watching as her expression shifted from surprise to annoyance.

After a few more seconds, (Y/N) found her balance and she let her hands drop to her sides.

"I'm okay now."

Levi held on for a few more beats, just to be sure, and then let her go. When he saw that she was in no immediate danger of falling over, he reached for his coat. He'd fallen asleep before ever putting it on.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now