Chapter 40

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The first thing (Y/N) noticed when she woke was the darkness. The only light was a dull glow from the dying embers of the fire.

Her eyes slid over to the window, seeing that not a single sliver of sun was shining through. She'd slept the day away.

(Y/N) scrambled to sit up. She was still drowsy but she was already feeling panicked about having left Levi alone for so long. How could she have been so careless?


(Y/N)'s eyes flew to the sound, finding Levi next to her.

"What's wrong?" His voice was filled with concern and (Y/N) could just barely make out the way his brows were lowered over his eyes.

She flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing kisses all over his face.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sleep for so long! Why didn't you wake me?!"


Levi pushed her back gently, stopping the frenzy of kisses. He was annoyed by her inability to just enjoy her rest but most of him felt relieved. When she'd woken so violently he'd been worried that perhaps a nightmare had slipped through. For all he knew, she could have been suffering for hours and failing to show any physical signs. Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case.

"Don't be an idiot. I didn't wake you because there was no reason to."

(Y/N) stared at him wide eyed. She searched his features for any kind of distress, hoping that her absence hadn't left him alone and in pain.

She looked and looked but she couldn't find anything but his usual neutrality... and maybe a bit of annoyance.

When she felt confident that he wasn't spiraling, she moved back toward him, crawling into his lap and wrapping her legs around him. She sighed.

"You're sure you're alright?"

(Y/N) pressed her forehead to his.

Levi rolled his eyes but still nodded and wrapped his arms around her back. The biggest problem he'd had was missing her while she was out. Every time his thoughts had started to wander into dangerous territory, he'd just focused on her face, memorizing every line and angle. It had worked. Or at least it had worked enough for him to stay calm.

(Y/N) sighed. She was still worried but she had to admit that she was grateful for the rest. She felt rejuvenated. Maybe now she would have the energy to face her next task.

"We have to go see Erwin."

Levi pulled away from her enough to see her eyes.

"I thought we already solved that problem."

She nodded.

"We did. But, unfortunately, you don't just appear on the Special Operations Squad. You have to be placed there. By him. And..." (Y/N) took a deep breath. "I think it's time I hear him out."

(Y/N) winced when she mentioned the topic of their former argument. They hadn't necessarily resolved the issue, just lessened its ability to fester.

To her surprise, Levi just leaned back into her and hummed his approval.

After a moment of slight shock, she moved further into him, her chin resting on his shoulder as she spoke.

"I think we should go now."


(Y/N) nodded. If her estimate of the time was correct, Erwin was probably in his office doing his nightly paperwork. And if they hurried, they might be able to make it to the Mess Hall for dinner. She wouldn't force Levi to go but she would feel much better if she could get a proper meal in him.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now