Chapter 27

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(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes to see the paneled ceiling of her room. Sunlight was already coming through the window and she could see the dust floating in the air. Right now, the sight of it was calming and peaceful but there was no doubt in her mind that when Levi arrived, it would suddenly be considered the vermin of the earth and he would force her to scrub and clean until not a single speck of anything could be found.

It was Sunday.

The days had flown by in a flurry of activity. The expedition was growing ever nearer and everyone was made to work from dawn till dusk, with Sundays being the only exception.

(Y/N) was absolutely exhausted, not only from her intensive training sessions but also from her late night walks with Levi.

Each night, he'd shown up at her door and, each night, (Y/N) had continued to teach him about the stars. She was surprised by the rate at which he had picked up the skill. Even though it had only been a few days, Levi understood the basics and could probably find his way out of a desperate situation if he needed to. He was very perceptive, though he never showed it off.

But, even with his fast learning, it would still be months before (Y/N) would label him a true master. After that, he would be almost as skilled as her.


(Y/N) smiled to herself as she sat up, shaking the sleep from her eyes. Her nightmares hadn't been nearly as bad the past few days and she'd long ago found out the reason why. The more time she spent with Levi, the less intense her dreams were. The edges were blurred and there was a haze over the whole image. Most of the time, (Y/N) was able to recognize that she was dreaming, which made the pain of rewatching her friends' deaths just slightly more bearable.

(Y/N) ran her fingers through her hair as he stood. She'd woken early enough that she'd probably have enough time to get ready and straighten things out a bit before Levi showed up. But, knowing him, he'd probably show up earlier than the nine o'clock start time they'd decided on.

With a groan, (Y/N) stood and readied herself for his arrival, running to the bathroom to wash up and then back to her room to put on the set of casual clothing that she'd washed the night before. She was still putting off doing the whole load, though she was fairly sure that Levi would force her to do it at some point during the day. Her dirty pile was definitely the most noticeable mess in her room.

After taking a glance in the mirror to make sure she looked at least half put together, (Y/N) moved on to sorting out what she could. But not before she let her hair fall down and out of its usual ponytail. She always kept it up for training and she'd fallen into the habit of wearing it the same way on the weekends. But, it was her day off and there was no reason she shouldn't wear it down. Maybe Levi would like it.

(Y/N) got to work with the basics of cleaning, starting by stripping her bed. But, she hadn't gotten more than the first sheet off before she heard a knock.

At first, she felt an overwhelming sense of panic. She'd expected Levi to be a bit early but it was only seven thirty! He was an hour and a half early!

However, (Y/N)'s panic soon shifted to curiosity and confusion as she realized that the knock hadn't come from the back door. Instead it had come from her front door, the door that connected her to the rest of the barracks. There was no way it was Levi; no man would ever be let into the women's living quarters.

(Y/N) slowly made her way to the door, feeling a bit cautious. She had no idea who would be calling on her on a Sunday.

Finally, she cracked open the door before fully pulling it back and open.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now