Chapter 31

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WARNING: This chapter contains smut! It's not the most explicit smut out there but it's also not PG so proceed at your own risk! If you'd like to skip this chapter all you really need to know is that... smut happens lol.

Heat, fire, burning. It was all that (Y/N) could feel. The combination of Levi's declaration and his touch had left her nearly breathless and it hadn't taken long before his lips found hers once again. His kisses no longer held the soft and steady movements of before. Instead, all (Y/N) could feel was the passion and total hunger that radiated off him.

More than once (Y/N) needed to break away for air but Levi never seemed to let her catch her breath. Just a few seconds' worth of oxygen could be restored before he became too impatient, too eager, and his mouth would find hers again.

The intensity of the entire situation was almost too much for (Y/N) to handle. All thoughts seemed to leave her mind and all she could focus on was Levi. He was so close yet it still felt like he wasn't close enough. Their bodies were touching in nearly every possible way and yet (Y/N) still felt the desire for more.

But she wasn't dumb.

(Y/N) knew exactly where the concept of more could lead them. Was that what she wanted?

She didn't really know. Instead of her running through the consequences in her head, all (Y/N) could think about was the way Levi's hands felt in her hair, the way his lips moved in sync with hers, the way there just seemed to be too many damn layers between her skin and his.

Uh oh.

"Levi." (Y/N) broke away, panting. It had been far too long since she'd gotten a deep breath. If she weren't so dazed, she'd probably be impressed that Levi didn't seem to need nearly as much air as she did.

Levi barely paused. The second she broke away from him, his lips found other places to occupy. His mouth made its way across (Y/N)'s jaw before he eventually moved to her neck.

It took every ounce of willpower (Y/N) had in order to speak. Her brain seemed barely capable of focusing on anything other than the new sensations she was feeling all over her body.

"L-Levi, are we-"

(Y/N) let out a loud gasp as Levi reached a particularly sensitive spot on her neck. Shivers ran up her spine and her back arched off the ground.

Levi felt a rush of excitement run through him. He'd obviously done something right. Playing off the reaction he'd just received, Levi focused in on the zone he'd found. He kissed again in the same spot and (Y/N) gasped again, albeit a bit quieter than the first time.

Levi proceeded, this time using not only his lips but also allowing his tongue and teeth to graze the area.

(Y/N) couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her.

Almost instinctively, her hands flew into Levi's hair and her fingers tightened around the strands. The small bites he was leaving on her neck were almost enough to make her completely forget what she'd been thinking. Almost.

Somehow, (Y/N) forced herself to retrace her thoughts. Every brush of Levi's lips was another obstacle she had to overcome. But eventually, her mouth formed the words.

"Levi... are we... are we sure... about this?"

Levi halted immediately, a sense of guilt coming over him. He'd let himself get carried away. The moment had overwhelmed him and for once in his life, he hadn't stopped to think. He'd simply done what had come naturally.

Levi lifted his head enough to meet (Y/N)'s eyes and (Y/N) had to work not to squirm as he pulled away from her neck. As hard as she'd worked to get his attention, she found herself desperate for his lips to be back on her skin.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now