Chapter 53

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"We can tie her up over there."

Levi turned his head to see that (Y/N) was pointing to a long hitching rail with a trough in front of it. There were already plenty of other horses already lined up and tied to the rail. There was a small group of men sitting nearby, watching. They'd have to pay to tie Lex up. But it was better getting their horse stolen.

Levi nodded and steered Lex over easily. He was already perfectly used to (Y/N)'s horse. Their ride had been easy and Lex had listened to every command he gave her. And, just like (Y/N) had said, she was fast.

When they reached the hitching rail, Levi reached out a hand and (Y/N) used it to help herself down. Levi was off in a second and he looked to see (Y/N) already grinning at him. She put a hand on his chest and stared up at him. Levi could see the excitement in her eyes.

"Okay, you tie her up and I'll go pay the owner. Sometimes he gives me a discount if I smile enough."

(Y/N) winked at him and then before he could say anything, she was gone, walking toward the group of men they'd seen before.

Levi shook his head but did as she asked and securely tied Lex to the rail. He patted the horse's neck and then turned back to see (Y/N) doing just as she'd said she would. She was flashing grin after grin and laughing and some probably horrid joke. Levi couldn't help but glare at the owner. But it didn't really matter. Just a few seconds later, (Y/N) reached into her bag, pulled out some cash, and paid the man. She gave him one last smile and then twisted around to walk back to Levi.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow when she saw his glare but his attention quickly shifted back to her and his eyes turned from borderline hate to simply unamused. She laughed when she got back to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well, the good news is that we got a discount. The bad news is that I think the owner shit his pants when he saw that glare you were giving him."

Levi's lips twitched and his eyebrow raised.

"I don't see how that's bad news."

(Y/N) laughed again and kissed his cheek before grabbing his hand. Honestly she wasn't sure if it was her smiles or Levi's stare that had made the man cut the price in half. Either way, she was perfectly happy with the outcome.

She took one last look at Lex, seeing that Levi had gotten her tied up and she was taking a long drink from the trough. She patted her horse's side and then returned her attention to Levi's face. He was staring down at her, a small smile on his lips as his eyes went over every feature on her face.

(Y/N) stared back at him, unable to stop herself from doing the same. Sometimes he was too beautiful to look away from.

After an amount of time that was probably a little unacceptable, there was a neigh of a horse nearby and they were both shaken from their trance.

(Y/N) blinked and saw Levi shake his head. When their eyes met again she just giggled and grabbed his hand. They'd been standing around for too long. Now it was time to get started.

"I was thinking we should get groceries last. That way, whatever needs to stay cold doesn't go bad while we do the rest of the shopping."

Levi nodded and squeezed her hand. Whatever she wanted was fine with him.

(Y/N) beamed at him. She was much too excited.

"Okay, how about we start with a new shirt, then?"

Levi nodded again and tugged her current shirt up over her collarbone. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in anticipation and within a second she was leading him away from the hitching rail and out into the open streets of the market.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now