Chapter 59

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WARNING: Sad... sorry.

When the first rays of sunlight finally trickled in through the window, (Y/N) closed her eyes. If she couldn't see them... maybe they would go away.

She wasn't ready. Not in the slightest.

And yet, she was rapidly running out of time. She'd have to leave right after breakfast so that she could cover some distance before having to stop for the night. But all of it seemed so unreal. The idea that she would be spending her next night somewhere other than in Levi's arms was... wrong.

But it was their reality.

(Y/N) pushed her head into Levi's chest, trying to block out the light that was only growing brighter by the minute. It horrified her.

Levi just held her tighter when he felt her shift into him. He knew that they were thinking about the same thing. The morning had come and it wouldn't be long before they had to get up. And when they got up... it would be the last time.

Levi pressed his lips to her hair as he closed his eyes, trying to take in the last moments they had. He let his mind take in the feeling of her skin on his, her breath on his chest, her hair falling across his arm. Everything about her was so mesmerizing that it was hard to comprehend that in a few hours... it would all be gone.

Levi kissed her hair again but this time, instead of pulling away, he moved his lips to her cheek and then trailed down her neck. He heard (Y/N) sigh and he ran his hand up and down her side as he continued to kiss her. He'd stay there until the very last minute. And he did.

Eventually, the sunlight became too strong for them to ignore any longer. No matter how impossible it seemed, it was time for them to move.

(Y/N) must have known it, too, because he felt her lips making their way across the skin of his chest, up his neck, across his jaw, and then finally she landed on his mouth. Levi wrapped a hand around her neck but (Y/N) pulled back after just a few seconds.

For a moment, all she did was stare at him. He could see her eyes going over every feature and he returned the gesture, making sure he knew every curve, every bend, every line. He was intent on never letting a single aspect of her appearance fade from his mind during their time apart.

But he only got to stare for a few more moments before (Y/N) kissed him lightly again and then pressed their foreheads together.

"We have to get up now..."

Her voice was just a whisper but Levi still heard her loud and clear as the words sliced through him. He knew she was right... but he still didn't want to admit it. Everything in him screamed to beg her for just a few more minutes, just a few more seconds. But he also knew that doing that would only make things harder. It would hurt (Y/N) to know just how much he was struggling. Even now, he still had to be strong for her.

So, instead of asking for those few extra moments, Levi just kissed her again and then nodded.

(Y/N) sighed, ran her fingers through his hair, and then, with a pained look on her face, she started to move out of his arms.

Levi fought the urge to grab at her and bring her back. Seeing her move away brought a pang of panic to his chest. But he pushed it down, reminding himself to be strong.

She was just about to move off the bed when she looked back at him, a somber look in her eyes. Suddenly, she crawled back to him, taking his face in her hands as she spoke.

"Let's take a shower."

Levi gazed back at her, not hesitating for a second before he'd kissed her forehead and started pulling her into the bathroom.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now