Chapter 14

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(Y/N) woke feeling just as drained and exhausted as usual. Her heart was racing and she could feel her breaths coming in small pants. Unfortunately, her nightmare had been particularly vivid.

Feeling tense and vulnerable, (Y/N) swung her legs over the side of her bed and placed her head in her hands. She had foolishly hoped that her dream would be less intense, as it had been the previous night. But she'd been very wrong and now she was regretting having let her guard down.

(Y/N) gently wiped the dried tears from her face, ones that she didn't recall shedding, and stood to ready herself for the day. She quickly recalled her predicament with Levi and tried to think of what she would say upon seeing him. (Y/N) came up blank. She had never been in any situation like this. Even when she got into a squabble with Erwin, she had always known how she wanted to resolve the issue when the time came to apologize. But with Levi, (Y/N) didn't even know where to start. Her situation with him was so delicate, so intimate, and (Y/N) felt blood rushing to her cheeks just thinking about directly addressing what had transpired between them. She felt like a little girl who had a crush on the boy next door. She felt ridiculous. And yet, she couldn't help it. (Y/N) was rendered helpless in Levi's presence and the thought of it irked her. Just a single touch of his hand was enough to send her reeling and she absolutely loathed the idea of being so out of control. (Y/N) had been raised to be steady, calm, cool, and collected at all times, but this one person was able to make her lose all of her years of practice with a single stare.

(Y/N) audibly grunted as she shoved her right leg into her pants. Thinking so hard about Levi was getting her far too worked up and so she resolved to simply deal with him when the time came. No plan necessary. It wasn't like she'd actually stick to it anyway one he was in her line of sight.

Eventually, (Y/N) managed to get herself fully dressed and glanced longingly at her casual clothes that now sat in the "dirty" pile. The straps of her 3DMG were as uncomfortable as ever and she already missed the soft material of her training pants.

Sighing, (Y/N) finally made her way to the door and shut it behind her. Taking another deep breath, she started walking along the dirt path and toward the castle. As she walked, (Y/N) kept her eyes peeled for any sign of Levi or even Isabel or Farlan for that matter. It seemed that at most times, wherever one was found, the others weren't far.

(Y/N) scanned the streams of soldiers for any of the familiar faces but had no luck. Before she knew it, she found herself passing through the large entryway of the castle and proceeding toward the Mess Hall.

As she walked, (Y/N) steeled herself for what was to come. Finding Levi in the Mess Hall wouldn't be ideal, but she was prepared to approach him on sight. As each second ticked by, (Y/N) felt more and more impatient about getting the whole thing over with.

Finally, (Y/N) heard the rumble of her comrades eating in the Mess Hall and listened carefully to the sound of clanking utensils and group chatter. The noise was familiar and she found that it calmed her, even just the slightest bit.

Taking one last calming breath, (Y/N) stepped into the Mess Hall and ran her eyes through the crowd relentlessly. After her first sweep, she saw no sign of Levi. So she tried again. Still nothing. (Y/N) began going table to table, face to face, but still she saw no sign of him.

Frustration swept over her. Where was he? (Y/N) was starting to get more anxious by the second and she could feel herself starting to tense. However, before her thoughts could wander into dangerous territory, (Y/N) saw a flicker in the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw that it was Erwin. He was half standing in his seat and was waving a hand in the air, obviously trying to get her attention.

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