Chapter 19

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(Y/N) could have sworn that she felt her soul leave her body several times before training ended. She had been right about the atmosphere being awkward. Flagon had done some strange mixture of barking and mumbling when he gave orders and Levi's stony exterior would occasionally crack to reveal the death glare that he was hiding from the Captain. These incidents would result in (Y/N) giving him a warning glance and a light touch on the shoulder which were almost always followed by some sort of teasing comment from a very entertained Kate.

Isabel and Furlan had kept their mouths shut for the most part but (Y/N) would periodically catch them staring a hole into the back of the Captain's head. However, she wasn't quite so worried about those two... they seemed to have a pretty good grip on themselves.

As for herself, (Y/N) couldn't deny that she felt somewhat trampled and humiliated. Flagon's mention of her supposed influence over Erwin had left her feeling mortified and confused. For the rest of the day she had been left wondering if that was the opinion of the entire regiment. Somehow, she didn't think that could be the case. (Y/N) got along well with nearly all of her fellow soldiers and she liked to think that she was generally respected. She always did her best to be upbeat and kind, even if it went against her instilled nature. And while (Y/N) didn't have many close friends apart from Erwin and perhaps Hange, she considered all of her comrades important. She knew everyone's name, where they were from, how long they'd been with the Scouts, and what squad they were on. People said hello to her in the Mess Hall and always seemed happy to have the occasional chat. Because of all that, (Y/N) just couldn't picture her comrades assuming she was sleeping with their Commander. Surely, if that were the case, she wouldn't receive the inherent respect that she had become accustomed to.

(Y/N) was broken from her thoughts when a deafening and familiar ringing filled the air.

The dinner bell.

(Y/N) flinched as the sound bounced against her eardrums. It was so obnoxiously loud that she had sometimes considered breaking it in the night in order to force Erwin to find some other kind of signal. She never did, though; she wanted to avoid giving him any extra work.

Even if the cacophonous sound usually caused (Y/N) to frown in disgust, today it signified the end of an eternity of torture. And for that reason, she grinned.

"Alright! Pack it up and get outta here!" (Y/N) heard Flagon call out the order from somewhere behind her in the forest but she was already on her way to the treeline, flipping and spinning through the dense woodland with a sense of glee. The idea of getting away from Flagon made her heart soar with relief.

Though, perhaps she had been a bit too excited because (Y/N) quickly remembered the set of three recruits that she had neglected to escort out of the forest. Slowing her pace, (Y/N) glanced behind her. Yet, to her surprise, Levi was right on her tail with Isabel and Farlan trailing closely behind. Another smile graced (Y/N)'s lips. She'd momentarily forgotten their skill with the 3DMG. It was no wonder that they could keep up with her.

Turning her attention back forward, (Y/N) broke through the treeline and gracefully landed in a patch of dying sunlight. The sky glowed a blazing orange, trails of gentle pinks pressing against the pattern of clouds on the horizon. The air grew crisper by the second and (Y/N) breathed it in, relishing in the icy feeling that cleared her lungs. After a long day of stress, humiliation, and anxiety, a glimpse of the setting sun was a welcome distraction.

Finally, after a long pause to take in the beauty before her, (Y/N) tore her gaze away. Looking to her right, she was surprised to find a familiar trio at her side. All of them looked to be enraptured by the sight before them and (Y/N) thought that she could make out just the slightest bit of awe in Levi's features. Isabel appeared as if she were on the verge of tears and Furlan was staring open-mouthed. It was almost like they'd never seen the sun set.

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