Chapter 2

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I'm currently eating raspberry sherbert, literally the best thing ever, but it's obviously very cold, and it's like 50 degrees in my room, so I am very fucking cold, in case anyone was wondering.

It was two days later and the three boys were all getting along quite well, much to Izuku's relief. They were getting into a pattern as well, which was great for all of them.

Classes still hadn't started, so they spent a lot of time together in their dorm, Denki was even trying to teach Izuku how to play a few games on his pc. When Denki or Eijirou needed to stream, Izuku would either go hang out with his friends, or hang out with whichever roommate wasn't streaming in their room.

They were all currently bingeing a random sitcom they had found on Netflix while they waited for Eijirou's stream that night.

Eventually, Denki set his phone down and looked over at Izuku. "Hey Midoriya," He called, grabbing the greenette's attention.


"If we ever need to like, talk to you or ask you something while we're streaming, what'd you want us to call you?" Denki asked.

Over the past few days, Izuku had figured out that Denki and Eijirou never showed their faces or used their real names on streams. Their gamertags were RedRiot and ChargeBolt, so everyone just called them Riot and Bolt online. He hadn't really thought about what the two would call him if need arises.

Izuku absently pulled at one of his curls as he thought over the question. "I guess it doesn't really matter to me. I would be fine if you guys called me by my name if you wanted, but then again if people found out who I was then they could easily figure out who you guys are, so I can see why you'd want to use a nickname for me. But I don't really have a preference, you guys can-"

Eijirou reached over and gently held a hand over Izuku's mouth, knocking him out of his thoughts. "We can pick the nickname, got it." The redhead said with a chuckle.

Izuku's mumbling wasn't anything the two other boys hadn't heard the past few days. They were growing quite used to it by now.

Denki had a hand on his chin as he looked over Izuku with a scrutinizing expression. The green haired boy wasn't sure what was going on, but began to squirm in discomfort from the intense look he was getting from his roommate.

"That's it, I'm calling him green bean and no one can stop me!" Denki declared out of nowhere a few seconds later, shocking Izuku and nearly making him fall off the couch.

Eijirou laughed loudly, from the name or Izuku's reaction, no one was really sure. "Sounds good, you cool with that Midoriya?" He asked, looking over at the slightly flustered Izuku.

When Denki had brought up needing a nickname for him, he hadn't been expecting something quite so... cute? Was that the right word to use? Or should he say childish? Either way, he hadn't been prepared for it.

"Oh um, yeah sure. That works for me." Izuku sheepishly agreed anyway.


A couple of hours later and Eijirou was streaming. He was playing minecraft with a few of his friends online, don't ask him why the game suddenly became popular again. It was fun enough though and it was less intense than what he was used to, so there was more time for banter between the streamers.

"Stop fucking killing me! I just want to get some goddamn iron!" Dynamite, one of Eijirou's streaming friends, although he would never admit it, yelled as Pinky , another streaming friend, killed him yet again.

The discord call was full of laughter from everyone but Dynamite.

Sero, the only one that didn't seem to care about people knowing his name, chimed in. "Ya gotta be quicker than that bro!"

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