Chapter 16

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Later that day, Denki was hanging out with Mina and decided to get her opinion on what he saw that morning.

"That's weird right? Like I know where all really close and the whole 'cuddling your bros' thing, but I feel like this is different." Denki said after explaining how he saw his roommates cuddling this morning.

Mina just looked at him with a dumbfounded look. "So you don't know then?"

"Know what?"

"They're dating, Kiri announced it last night on his stream."

Denki visibly blanched at the information. "They're what? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME?! They're my roommates! And Kiri's like my best friend! How could he not tell me before his stream?"

He was just going to ignore the pang in his chest he felt when Mina told him. It had to be betrayal from not being told, definitely not jealousy or anything. That'd be crazy. Especially since he has a girlfriend.

Totally crazy.

The pink girl just shrugged her shoulders as she sipped from her mug. "It just happened last night. Weren't you on a date? He probably just forgot to tell you when you got home."

Denki grumbled something about 'so much for best bros', and laid his head on his arms. He was glaring rather harshly at Mina's wall.

"Hunny, why're you really so upset about this?" She asked, giving him a pointed look.

He sat up quickly and Mina could practically see the steam billowing out of his ears. "Because we're supposed to be best friends and no one felt the need to tell me before they announced it to thousands of strangers! That's why I'm upset, Mina."

The girl just raised her eyebrows at him, clearly not believing a word. "Are you sure that's the only reason? It has nothing to do with the fact you're clearly infatuated with the two of them?"

The dorm fell into complete silence as Denki stared at her like she grew another head.


Mina shrugged once again. "Babes, it's painfully obvious how head over heels you are for them. You can distract yourself with pretty girls from English class, but it's not going to chance the fact you're astronomically gay for your roommates and now you're hurting because they got together and you're left alone with someone who's destined to just be a distraction for a month or two. You're hurt and that's okay, but you have to remember that you hurt them first."

Denki chose to ignore everything she had said, except for the last sentence. "How did I hurt them first?! I haven't done anything, they're the ones that have gone all distant on me." He said, shifting the blame from himself.

There was a sharp stinging on his head as Mina hit him over it. "When did they start being distant, dummy? What caused the rift?"

It almost seemed to hurt the blond as he thought back to the past few weeks, trying to pinpoint exactly when his roommates started acting weird. "Um, I'm not sure. I guess it started that morning when Bakugou and Sero came over." He said.

Mina gestured with a hand, encouraging him to go on.

"Uh, we were all talking. They wanted to know why I was up so early, and I told them it was because I was streaming, seeing as I couldn't later because I was going on a...." Denki trailed off as the pieces seemed to click in his head.

Mina gave a satisfied nod as her friend finally caught on.

"It was the date! They started being weird after I told them I was going on a date!" He exclaimed. "But... if that's what caused it.... That means they'd have to... like me?" Denki looked over at Mina with an expectant face. She seemed to have all the answers so far.

She winced as she nodded again.

Denki's eyes swelled to the size of saucers. "They like me?!" He squeaked.

"Darling, Kirishima's been in love with you since he met you." She said as she sipped more of her tea. "It was only a matter of time before Bean was victim to the sunshine that is Denki Kaminari."

Denki sat back in his chair, a dazed look on his face. His mind was moving a million miles an hour, pieces of a puzzle falling into place as everything finally started to make sense to him.

His roommates like him... possibly even loved him.

They were hurt because he started dating someone.

They had both been distant with him because of that.

They were now dating.

They were dating.

"They're dating." Denki said in a whisper.

Mina stood up from her chair, walking around the table and patting Denki's shoulder. "And you're dating Hagakure. You can't be mad at them when you started it."

Denki groaned at her words, knowing she was right. It was Mina, she was always right about this stuff.

"The way I see it, you have two options." She spoke up, catching his attention once again.

"You can either ignore it, stay with Hagakure until you inevitably become so unhappy with each other that the relationship implodes. You'll sit back and watch as Kiri and Bean are happy and in love, growing closer, living their lives happily. Without you."

Denki looked at her in utter horror.

Her gaze suddenly became harsh and intense. "Or you man the fuck up. You call up Hagakure, tell her she's a lovely girl, but it's not going to work out. You run back to your dorm room and you confess to those two boys. You tell them you were a blind idiot for not noticing their feelings the past few weeks. You hope they forgive you."

"So tell me, Denki, are you gonna sit back and settle for a just okay love story, or are you going to chase after two of the best things to ever happen to you?"

Denki didn't even bother answering her, already pushing himself out of his chair and rushing to her door.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Hagakure's number as he ran.

hey guys!!

so as you can probably tell, this fic is coming to an end in just a few more chapters. ik it's shorter than normal, but this fic really didn't have that much plot and was just a self indulgent streamer au. but don't worry, i'm gonna be starting a few more fics in the coming weeks, so be on the look out!

i hope you guys have a great day! ❤️💚💛

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