Chapter 11

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More Sero slander-

The shipping wars went on for a while afterwards. Izuku became so fed up with it, that he stopped caring what the chat was saying.

"This is stupid." He mumbled as he scooted back over to Denki, laying his head on the blond's shoulder again.

The sudden shift startled Denki, making him jump slightly before relaxing back into the bottom of the couch. He wrapped an arm around Izuku, ignoring the way Sero laughed at him for jumping. " 'm sorry you got dragged into this." He said back in a quiet voice.

Izuku shrugged the best he could in his current position. "It's not your fault."

"No, it kind of is. Kiri and I are the reasons people know who you are and why they're currently being dicks."

There was a small chuckle from the green haired boy. "I willingly agreed to it, so don't blame yourself. If I didn't want to be in streams that bad, I would have just told you guys." Izuku explained, finishing with a sigh and closing his eyes.

He fully relaxed into Denki's side. It had been a long day, a long night, and he was tired.

"You planning on sleeping here tonight?" Denki whispered to him, watching the rest of the group goof around in the living room. He was thankful for that, seeing as most of the chat would probably be focused on them rather than the blond and greenette in the corner.

Izuku hummed before actually responding. "Don't know, depends on what the girls want to do, really."

Denki nodded in understanding, then let his head come to rest on top of Izuku's. "But if you're this tired maybe we should figure out where everyone's sleeping tonight?"

With an exaggerated groan, which caused Denki to laugh, Izuku sat upright and looked to the side, grabbing Uraraka's attention.

"Hey Ura, are we all crashing here?"

Without a second glance or much thought, she answered, "Of course!"

The greenette hummed again in satisfaction before melting back to his previous position, cuddled up to the blond.

The ease Izuku expressed in the action made Denki turn a light shade of pink. Someone being that comfortable around him, to just cuddle up and fall asleep, was something he'd never experienced before.

Denki Kaminari was never seen as a calming and relaxing type of person. He was usually bouncing off the walls with energy, a front he felt like he had to always put on to keep people interested.

Someone genuinely enjoying just being around him, without the jokes and messing around, was definitely rare.


About an hour later was when they finally stopped the stream, all of the young adults becoming increasingly tired and just wanting to hang out without the threat of thousands of people watching and judging them.

And after it ended is when the others finally realized Izuku was passed the fuck out of Denki's shoulder.

"Whoa, how long has he been asleep?" Sero asked, rubbing his head as he tried to keep himself awake.

Denki looked down at the sleep boy. "Like an hour maybe."

"How did none of us realize that?" Mina asked with a quiet laugh, not wanting to awaken the sleeping Bean.

"I did, pikachu was just being quiet for the first time in years, so I didn't want to say something and fuck with it." Bakugou said with a shrug.

Denki made a noise of mock offense. "Rude."

The ash blond just rolled his eyes.

"If we're all gonna stay up for a little while, we should move him into the bedroom. That way we don't risk waking him up and dealing with a grouchie Midoriya." Uraraka said, her eyes unfocusing as she seemed to get lost in an unpleasant memory.

Denki tried to stifle his laughter at Uraraka's expense. He had been roommates with Izuku for over two weeks now and he wouldn't say the greenette was a morning person, but he'd never been terrifying enough to elicit that type of response. It made the blond wonder what the difference was between waking up with Uraraka or him and Eijirou. (That sounds bad, but ignore it you heathens)

"I definitely don't have the upper body strength for that, so Kiri, you're up." Denki said, nodding towards the redhead.

Eijirou didn't seem to have a problem transporting Izuku, Uraraka directing him to place the sleeping boy on her bed. She'd just sleep in the living room for the night.

Once the other two rejoined the group, they all fell into easy conversation. It ranged from stream memories to campus professors they couldn't stand, and everything in between.

Eventually they circled back to the intense shipping wars their fans had with all of them.

"One time I was too tired to yell at shitty hair and now people are determined to prove I'm in love with him." Bakugou confessed with an eye roll. Shippers could get really, really, annoying.

"Imagine living with him, even more people are trying to get me to confess to being in love with him." Denki told him with a laugh.

Eijirou shrugged, smiling widely. "What can I say, I'm just that lovable."

Mina pouted from where she was leaning on the arm rest of the couch, Jirou half asleep laying between her legs and using her stomach as a pillow. "Imagine being the only girl in this group, people get mad that I'm gonna ruin their ships."

"Do they not realize that you're a raging lesbian? I mean your main friend group is all guys." Jirou mumbled, not opening her eyes.

Sero leaned his chin onto his open palm as he looked at the two. "Speaking of raging lesbians, Jirou aren't you dating Momo?"

"Yes and 'm bisexual, dimwit." The purple haired girl said, absently flicking off the air in the general direction she thought the black haired boy was sitting.

Now Sero was just confused, his facial features showing it clearly. "Wouldn't she be upset if she saw you right now?"

Jirou groaned loudly as she rolled around to face Sero, clearly annoyed with him. "There's nothing wrong with platonic affection, hetero."

Denki ended up having to hold a hand over his mouth so he wouldn't laugh too loudly and wake up Izuku in the next room over.

"Damn, she really went there." Eijirou said, bumping his knee against Denki's as he chuckled.

Sero pouted from his spot on the floof. "I'm feeling very attacked right now."

"Says the straight man." Bakugou grumbled, still sitting in the kitchen. It was only a foot or two from the living room, so he really had no reason to move after the stream ended.

"I love that we all bully Sero for being straight." Denki said with a content smile.

Hey guys!!

i'm actually madly in love with sero, but it's so easy to bully the shit out of him in these fics-

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