Chapter 10

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"Tell him he can come over, but only if he can sneak in by himself." Uraraka suggested with a small giggle, her hands still in Izuku's hair.

Jirou laughed loudly from her spot on the couch, holding a hand over her mouth afterwards. "He said bet."

"He's gonna get caught." Izuku pointed out with a small groan.

Jirou shook her head. "He said he's bringing Riot, Dynamite, and Sero. I think they'll be able to make it. Um, maybe..." She second guessed, thinking about the four boys together. "Nevermined, they're definitely gonna get caught."


The boys didn't even bother knocking when they made it to the girls' dorm. They just rushed in, shutting the door and locking it as soon as they were all in.

All the girls and Izuku looked over at them in mild shock from the sudden entrance.

After taking a few deep breaths, Denki finally offered an explanation. "Being... chased.... Security..." He said in between deep breaths.

This had all the girls and Izuku doubling over in laughter as the other boys groaned and took seats around the living room. Bakugou ended up staying off camera seeing as he hasn't done a face reveal yet.

But Izuku didn't realize that.

"Why're you all the way in the kitchen?" He asked, slightly worried it was because of him. He hadn't talked to the blond since they had their sob fest of apologizes. Izuku hadn't even forgiven him yet. What if Bakugou felt too awkward to be near him now? What if Izuku was the reason he couldn't currently hang out with his friends like normal.

"Haven't done a face reveal dumbass."

Oh, so everything was back to normal between them. That was good news to Izuku.

"Help a friend out, if I meet my next sub goal, Dynamite will do a face reveal." Mina suddenly said, still working on Izuku's nails.

"Wait, what the hell?! No I fucking won't! If I'm doing a fucking face reveal it's gonna be on my own stream." Bakugou instantly bit back, out right refusing to go along with Mina's plan.

The pink haired girl redirected her attention from Izuku's nails to the blond at the counter. She batted her eyelashes and pouted slightly. "Please?"

"I fucking hate you." Bakugou mumbled, looking away with his arms crossed.

"That wasn't a no!" Mina cheered, going back to Izuku's nails. She had taken the liberty of deciding to paint neon green smiley faces with x's for eyes on his middle fingers.

Izuku caught onto what she was doing and looked slightly nervous. "Uh, Pinky? What're you doing?"

Mina flashed him a mischievous smile. "Making it more fun."

"Chat wants to know what you're doing to the poor boy." Jirou spoke up.

Izuku was beginning to notice that Jirou was a relatively quiet person, really only speaking up to keep them updated on what the chat was saying. She didn't seem to have a problem with it though, so he didn't say anything on the matter.

Right after Jirou asked the question, Izuku was harshly jerked towards the camera at the front of the room. Mina held his hands up to it, showing off her hard work.

"See? Cool, right?" She said, clearly proud of herself.

Jirou snorted as she looked through the chat. "They're mad you're trying to corrupt the innocent Bean."

Sero laughed from his spot next to Jirou. When he got there he had pushed her towards the inside of the couch and taken the end, and now the purple haired girl was leaning against him instead of the arm rest. "Have you heard him on Riot and Bolt's streams? He's far from innocent."

Izuku frowned at the black haired male's words. "I'm not far from it." He mumbled.

"You threatened to delete Riot's knees." Bakugou pointed out bluntly. He realized he probably shouldn't have brought up that stream, but oh well. Too late now.

(And yes, Bakugou does call everyone by their users instead of his nicknames on streams, too complicated for everyone involved if he didn't)

"Shush." Izuku said back.

"You have no trouble bitching out Dynamite when he gets too out of hand." Sero added.

"Shush." Izuku said, more of a whine this time. He was being proved wrong and he didn't like it.

"Chat does not like being proved wrong." Jirou stated, her eyebrows knitting together as she started to read through everything. "Guys if you're being mean or disrespectful to any of us, you'll get banned."

That caught Izuku's curiosity. "What're they saying?" He asked.

"Uh, it's kinda of turned into a war about defending you or defending Dynamite and Riot." She said, handing her phone over to Izuku so he could read through some of the chats.

To say he was uncomfortable with what the chat was saying was an understatement.

"You guys realize we're all friends right? Even if Dynamite refuses to admit it, we're friends. He says mean stuff and I say it back, it's just banter. You guys really don't need to freak out this much." Izuku stated, handing Jirou her phone back and wrapping his arms around himself.

Denki noticed how much this was really affecting him and moved from his spot against the wall to sit next to Izuku. The green haired boy just let his head lay against Denki's shoulder.

"And now it's a shipping war." Jirou said with a sigh.

Izuku sat up and rolled his eyes. "Fine, guess I'll just refrain from touching any of my friends."

"It's funny how he's not even one of the streamers here and he's the one getting the most shit right now." Bakugou said casually, resting his head on the back of the chair he was sitting on, incorrectly might I add. He's sitting backwards on it. Like a weirdo.

"Annoying you mean." Izuku corrected him.

Bakugou slightly chuckled. He would never admit it, but it was kind of nice seeing Izuku talk so freely with him. "For you maybe, for everyone else it's just free entertainment."

"Even in a good mood, you still enjoy my suffering, huh Kacchan?"

"Fuck yeah, Deku."

Jirou rolled her eyes at the two of them. "Way to go, now there's another ship they're all fighting about."

Hey guys!!

anyone see the parallels of the chat and the actual mha fandom? bc god damn, i do.

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