Chapter 9

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Izuku had locked himself in the bedroom for most of that night. He wouldn't let either of his roommates in and he didn't leave. Well, at least until the guilt of keeping the two other boys from their own room got too much for him.

When that time finally rolled around and he exited the bedroom, he didn't bother talking to his roommates.

Eijirou and Denki were just sitting on the couch, wasting time, when they were alerted by the bedroom door opening. Both snapped to attention, rushing to their other roommate to see if he was okay.

"I'm going to see a friend." Izuku mumbled, brushing off the two boys and rushing to the front door.

"C'mon dude, talk to us." Denki said, grabbing Izuku's wrist to try and prevent him from leaving.

With a harsh yank, Izuku was able to free himself. "I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to go see Uraraka and try and pretend the stream earlier never happened, okay?" He quietly explained, staring at the floor in front of the door.

As upset as Izuku was, he didn't want Denki and Eijirou to think he was upset with them. Neither of them had done anything, he was the only one at blame in that moment.

He just needed to leave. He needed to not be around social media or the other two boys. He didn't want to know what their fans were posting about the stream earlier and he did truly just want to forget about it, at least for a little while.

And that was nearly impossible to do with Eijirou and Denki in the same dorm as him.

"Are you coming back tonight?" Denki asked, worry clear as day in his voice.

"Probably not." Izuku answered truthfully.

Eijirou nodded, even though the greenette couldn't currently see it. "Okay. That's okay. Can you at least text us when you get wherever it is you're going? Just so we know you made it? Please?" The redhead's voice was strained as he talked, clearly not happy about Izuku's decision, but making no move to talk him out of it. If Izuku needed a break, then he should take one.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, of course." He mumbled.

Then he was out the door and heading over to the girl's dorm building.


Izuku knew that guys weren't allowed in this dorm building so late at night, but with Uraraka and her temporary roommates' help, he was successfully snuck in.

Uraraka, who was normally roommates with her girlfriend Tsuyu (classic roommate to lovers trope), was currently being shifted into a different dorm with two girls named Mina and Jirou.

Uraraka dragged Izuku into their dorm room, pulling him down onto the couch. "You know, I could probably braid your hair." She stated randomly while finger combing it to get a feel for the length. It was hard to tell normally because it was so curly.

Izuku just shrugged, used to her wanting to do things to his hair. "Go for it." He told her, moving to sit on the floor, giving her better access to his head.

Jirou, the purple haired girl, took a seat on the other side of the couch. Mina settled on the floor in front of Izuku.

"Nice to officially meet you in person!" Mina said excitedly, confusing Izuku.

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the pink haired girl. "Huh?"

Realization hit Mina as she face palmed at her own actions. "I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it earlier. I'm Pinky! We met on a discord call a while ago." She explained.

After the Stream (KiriKamiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now