Chapter 3

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Bold words are the stream chat.

"How the fuck did he not die?!" Dynamite yelled as Izuku, yet again, pulled off a seemingly impossible feet of staying alive in the most unlikely situation.

Denki was currently switching between staring at Izuku's screen starstruck and reading the chat out. Eijirou was resting his head on Izuku's shoulder and chuckling at how frustrated his online friend was becoming with the little Green Bean.

He turned his head slightly so he could look at Izuku's concentrated face. "How're you so good at this game?" Eijirou asked.

Izuku shrugged in response. "I wasn't exactly a popular kid in middle school, so I played way too much minecraft. I guess I got good along the way." He admitted, not caring how lame he must have sounded to the stream.

Eijirou glanced down at the chat a few seconds later to see what they were saying.

How could someone not want to be friends with Bean?

He's so precious and he can shut down Dynamite in a second, if there's no other takers I'll be his best friend!

Pls do a man hunt with Dream, I want to know who would win.

On seeing the last comment, Eijirou turned back to Izuku.

"They want you to collab with another player who's like, amazingly good to see who would win." He told him, then looked back to watch Izuku take down more mobs.

The green haired boy didn't seem to care too much about it, too focused on his game. "Really, who?" He asked.

"Dream, he's-"

"Are you kidding me?" Izuku suddenly asked, directing his attention to Eijirou. "He would wipe the floor with me! I'm not nearly that good."

Denki nudged him, getting his attention back on the game. "I definitely wouldn't say that, you're pretty good, dude."

Izuku just shook his head and went back to fully focusing on the game as the mobs started to build up.

Does Bean stream at all????

What's Bean's twitch?

Denki nearly doubled over in laughter at the chat asking if Izuku had an account. "Guys, he didn't know what twitch was two days ago, no he doesn't stream." He answered them

Izuku became distracted once again. "Wait, they actually want me to have one?" He asked Denki instead of just looking at the chat. It was hard to read from how far he was from the monitor.

The blond boy nodded while humming a confirmation. "We could set one up for you if you like it enough." He offered with a wink and broad smile.

Izuku chuckled at him. "I seriously don't think I could do this everyday like you two, I don't exactly like being in front of this many people."

Eijirou shrugged, which felt really weird for Izuku. "You don't have to show your face or ever tell them your real name. You can make up a whole persona if you want to. It's really all up to you." He pointed out.

Izuku hummed for a few seconds as he took out a few more mobs. "I guess I'll think about it then."

The chat went a little wild at that.

"I think they're happy about your decision." Eijirou said with a hearty laugh.

"They've known me for like, twenty minutes, why do they care so much?" Izuku asked, still not taking his eyes off the screen.

After the Stream (KiriKamiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now