Chapter 6

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"You two are dumbasses, you know that?" Was what Bakugou decided to open with as soon as he opened his dorm door and saw Denki and Eijirou standing there.

"So you watched the stream then?" Eijirou asked as he walked right into the blond's dorm.

Bakugou rolled his eyes as the two just invited themselves in, but didn't say anything about it. "Of fucking course I watched the stream."

Denki flopped down on Sero's bed, who is Bakugou's roommate. "Then tell us what we did wrong."

Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Has he ever told you two what his sexuality was? Straight or otherwise?" He asked.

The pair of roommates looked at each other confused. "Um, no? I don't think so." Eijirou answered.

"Maybe there's a reason for that." Bakugou told him, sending him a look.

"So is he closeted or is he worried we won't like him if he's straight? I'm confused." Denki said with a groan, letting his head fall face first into the comforter.

Bakugou snorted at the last suggestion from his friend. "Trust me, he's gayer than Shitty hair over there." He said, nodding his head towards Eijirou.


"Then what's wrong? Does he not like us lowkey flirting?" Denki asked, lifting his head and resting his chin on his arms.

Bakugou scratched the back of his head as he tried to figure out the best way to phrase his next words. "I doubt that's what's wrong."

"Is he closeted then?" Eijirou asked, leaning forwards slightly as he became more and more invested in the conversation.

"Uh, he wasn't last time we talked, like back in school." The explosive blond answered somewhat... timidly?

Eijirou, connecting the dots from the story about Bakugou and Izuku's past, crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the headboard of Sero's bed. "What'd you do?'

Bakugou's head snapped to glare at his 'best friend'. "Why do you just assume it was me?"

Eijirou narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, okay, so it was my fault. Happy now?" Bakugou mumbled, avoiding eye contact and redirecting his glare at a wall.

Denki sat up upon hearing this. "Oh god, what'd you do?"

A mix of a growl and a groan left the ash blond's lips as he sat at a desk chair. "I found out he was gay in middle school when I still was, ya know, bullying him and shit. It was an easy part of him to poke fun at, so I just kinda went with it."

Eijirou let out a disappointed sigh while Denki flipped onto his back to stare at the ceiling.

"So basically, he's traumatized and won't tell anyone he's gay because he's scared they'll be just as much of a dick as you were." Denki paraphrased.

As much as Bakugou didn't enjoy the usual clown of the group talking down to him, he knew he deserved it and that Denki was right. "Probably. If I had to take a guess."

"And you've already apologized for all that, right?" Denki asked, flipping back over to rest on his elbows and look Bakugou dead in the eye.

The little dunce face could be kind of scary when he wanted to be.

"Yeah, back in high school."

Denki nodded at the answer. "Great, then you won't mind doing it again." He said, pushing himself to his knees and crawling to the edge of the bed to get off.

"Whoa, what? What the hell?" Bakugou asked, his eyes showing just how mad the suggestion made him.

Denki got to his feet and marched right up to the middle school bully. "You saw how upset he was on stream." He started, poking at Bakugou's chest. "Right after it ended he ran into the bedroom and yelled at us to leave when we asked if he was okay. He's traumatized and it's your fault."

Denki took a step forward, making Bakugou step back. "You're going to apologize again." Another step forward. "You're going to explain that you were just an insecure little kid." Another step. "And you're going to tell him that there is nothing wrong with loving who he chooses and that you will wholeheartedly support him no matter what."

At this point Bakugou's back had hit the dorm wall as the two now stood chest to chest.

"Got it?" Denki asked.

(Didn't even really notice the homoerotic undertones until I went and read this back)

Bakugou just nodded, not really sure what to do in this situation. No one had ever put him in his place before, besides maybe Izuku once or twice, so this was entirely new.

He was actually pretty terrified of Denki in that moment, not that he would ever, ever, admit it.

A bright smile appeared on the electric blond's face after that. "Great, you can come over tomorrow then. I'd say now, but he's sleeping so." He trailed off.

Eijirou walked up behind Denki, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and ruffling his hair. "You're lowkey terrifying, you know that?"

"Oh yeah, it's a good time." Denki said casually with a nod.


It was now ten am the next morning and Izuku still hasn't left the room. Eijirou and Denki had tried to get him to come out, eat something maybe, but he refuses or just downright ignores them.

"Bakugou better hurry his ass up or I'll drag him here myself." Denki mumbled while watching Eijirou making scrambled eggs.

"Calm down, Bakubro isn't one to go back on his word. If he said he was coming, he's coming." The redhead reassured without taking his eyes off his cooking.

"He better." Denki mumbled while resting his head on his forearms.

Speak of the devil.

A knock on the door made Denki bolt upright and rush to answer it. Sure enough, there was Bakugou, glaring at the ground with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Well? I'm here, aren't I?"

Denki clapped him on the back and started to lead him to the bedroom. He clearly had a death wish seeing how irritated Bakugou already was. "Way to go, you accomplished the easiest part. Now go fix him, I'd like my happy roommate back now." He said, opening the door and pushing Bakugou in.

"Um, hey Deku..."

Hey guys!!

Denki is a comfort character so ya, you got protective Denki.

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