Chapter 14

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"I have a date tonight!" A flustered Denki exclaimed.

The room went silent from the proclamation. Everyone stared at Denki in surprise, definitely not expecting that from the blond, especially his roommates.

"You have a date tonight?" Eijirou asked slowly, not quite believing it.

"And you didn't tell us?" Izuku chimed in, a small frown on his face. He wasn't sure if he was more upset that Denki was going on a date or the fact he didn't tell him.

The blond scratched at the back of his neck in a nervous manner. "I wasn't going to tell anyone yet. I really really like her, so I wanted to wait until after the first date to say anything."

Izuku wasn't sure why, but he felt his stomach churn and a pang in his heart. Did Kacchan give him food poisoning?

Sero cleared his throat, clearly sensing the awkward atmosphere that had been created- specifically around the roommates- and spoke up, "So who is she? Do we know her?"

Denki shrugged. "She's a girl from my english class, her name's Toru Hagakure."

"Doesn't ring a bell." Sero said, then the room once again fell into a sort of awkward silence no one was sure how to navigate.

"Well this was just fucking delightful, but I got shit to do. See you losers later." Bakugou said with a mock salute, grabbing the back of Sero's shirt and pulling him out of the dorm room.

Izuku watched them leave, Denki pushed food around his plate, unsure of what he did to completely ruin the move, and Eijirou refused to look anywhere except for the weird stain on the arm of the couch.

Surprisingly, Izuku was the first to cave. He abruptly got up from the couch after a few minutes, taking his plate and silverware to the sink. He flipped the water on and started to do the dishes. Anything to distract himself and escape the living room.

The other two boys lasted a few more minutes before Denki finally couldn't take it anymore. He cautiously looked over to the redhead sitting a few feet away from him. "So, uh, did I do something wrong?" He asked in a low voice.

Eijirou seemed to be snapped out of whatever trance he was previously in, looking over at his roommate like he wasn't sure where he was. "What? Huh?"

"Never mind." Denki mumbled, pushing himself off the couch. He stopped in the bedroom quickly to grab a blanket, then made his way over to his pc. Definitely not in the mood to stream, he just pulled up the first game he clicked on. He curled up in his desk chair and started to play, just wanting to kill time before he could leave the tense dorm.


Denki's date that night went well. And so did the one after, and the next one after that. He was starting to notice the pattern with his roommates, they were always in a worse mood on the days he went out with Hagakure, but he couldn't figure out why.

Did they not like her? No, that couldn't be it, neither had ever met her. Did they think he was going to neglect them as friends if he got a girlfriend? That could definitely be it. There was a definite shift in their friendship dynamic as of late. Platonic affection almost ceased to exist between Denki and his roommates. Izuku and Eijirou would still cuddle or lean against each other, almost more than before, but neither got too close to the blond. It was weird, but Denki tried not to think about it.

Or the way his heart clenched everytime one of them shifted away from him.

The fans had even started to notice the shift. Izuku and Eijirou showed up less and less on Denki's streams the past few weeks. There had been a few chats asking where the two were, but Denki continued to ignore them. He didn't exactly have an answer himself.

Denki brushed off those thoughts as he straightened his shirt. He was going on another date with Hagakure that night and he didn't need to be put in a shitty mood because of his distant roommates.

He walked out of the bedroom, seeing Izuku and Eijirou seated on the couch watching a show. For a moment, he was tempted to cancel his date and stay in with them, lounging on the couch and screwing around like they used to.

But the way Izuku and Eijirou blatantly ignored him was a reminder to Denki that they probably wouldn't like that anyway.

He cleared his throat when he reached the door. "So I'm heading out, I'll be home in a few hours."

"See yeah." Izuku said in a soft voice, barely looking over at the blond. He bumped Eijirou when he said nothing.

"Bye." was the only mumbled response he got out of the redhead.

Izuku at least had the decency to send an apologetic look to Denki. "Have a nice time." He added through a tight lipped smile.

Denki shot him a grateful look, at least Izuku was trying.

And just like that, Denki left the dorm room, still having no idea what he did to cause such a rift between him and his roommates.


After Denki left, Izuku turned to his other roommate with a huff. "You could at least try to be his friend, ya know."

Eijirou just shrugged in response, keeping his eyes locked on the tv. He didn't want to have this conversation, even if he knew it had to happen at some point.

"What's up with you? You've been acting weird around Kami for the past few weeks." Izuku said, nudging his shoulder against the redhead's.

That grabbed Eijirou's attention. He looked over at his roommate with a raised brow. "And you haven't?"

His words made Izuku tense up. Has he been weird around Denki lately? He guessed he probably had been, but he couldn't help it. Sometimes he'd feel all warm and giddy around the blond, and the next there was a sick feeling in his stomach and he felt like might cry at any second. Izuku just didn't know why.

"I don't know, I guess I have been." He mumbled back, wrapping his arms around himself.

Eijirou saw the action and shifted closer to him. Wrapping an arm around the smaller boy, he pulled Izuku into a hug. "It hurts, doesn't it?"

Izuku looked up at him, confusion clear as day lay on his face.

"Seeing him be happy with someone else." Eijirou clarified.

And just like that, it was like a light bulb went off in Izuku's mind. Did he... like Denki? As in, more than a friend? Was that why he felt gross everytime he left for a date? Or why he couldn't stand to touch him anymore?

It made sense.

Izuku cuddled into Eijirou's side even more, willing his tears to not fall. "Yeah, it does."

hey guys!!

c'mon, you all had to see this coming! it wouldn't be one of my fics without a healthy dose of angst.

anyways, i hope you guys have an amazing day! ❤️💚💛

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