Chapter 13

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Fast forwarding about three weeks or so, and the roommates were officially all settled into their schedules. Between school, streaming, and their social lives, (not to mention the fact they had to switch dorms), they were all relieved to finally figure out their new normal.

"Yes, chat, I realize how early it is." Denki said with a chuckle as he started his stream for the day. He didn't want to skip a stream, but he had plans during his usual streaming time. His solution? Just stream at eight in the morning on a Saturday.

The electric blond rolled his eyes while reading some of the comments in his chat. "Yeah, I'm the only one up so I'm not going to be as loud as usual. Weird that the college kids aren't awake at eight am on a Saturday." He said in a sarcastic tone.

Denki streamed Minecraft for about half an hour before he heard movement behind him, coming from the bedroom. He stilled his movements, listening to see if he had woken up one of his roommates or if they'd go back to bed.

The sound of the door opening answered his question.

Turning around in his chair, he saw a matted head of green hair appear from the bedroom. Denki stifled a giggle at the sight of Izuku in the morning.

"Morning Bean."

There was a scream from a startled Izuku, who was used to being the first one up- especially on the weekends- and then a thud from the bedroom. A few seconds later Eijirou ran out into the living room to find Denki dying of laughter and Izuku clutching his chest in fright.

"What the hell happened?" Asked the flustered redhead.

"Kami scared the crap out of me!" Izuku whined, pointing an accusing finger at the too happy blond.

"I just said good morning!" Denki defended, but he was still trying to hold back laughter.

"Why're you even up this early? You're never up before ten and you even have a class at nine on tuesdays." Izuku pointed out, walking into the kitchen to make tea.

Denki just looked back at his pc, then Izuku.

The green haired boy furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

The streamer let his head hit his desk. "And I thought I was dense. I'm streaming, Bean."

Izuku's eyes widened to about double their usual size as he rushed over to Denki's side to see if he was telling the truth or not. "Oh," was all he said when he saw that the stream was in fact going.

Eijirou walked up behind him, ruffling the green curls. "Yes, the entire chat saw you scream like a small child when Bolt startled you."

With a whine, Izuku brushed off the hand. "Don't remind me. I'm gonna make tea, either of you want breakfast?" He asked while walking back to the kitchen.

"Yes please!"

"If you're making it, then definitely."

Izuku rolled his eyes while digging through the fridge. "There's literally nothing in here, what the hell?" He poked his head back out, sending a glare at Denki, who was supposed to do the grocery shopping that week.

The blond cringed back from the look. "Oops?"

The shortest roommate threw his head back with a loud groan. "Call Kacchan and tell him to bring stuff from breakfast. And Sero, he needs to bring Sero too." Izuku instructed.

"He's not gonna listen to me." Denki informed him, but pulled up discord anyway.

"He'd never pass up a chance to show off his cooking skills, don't worry." He said with a wave of his hand as he walked into the living room, falling down in a lump across Eijirou's lap. The redhead's hand gravitated towards the curly floof in his lap almost instantly. There was just something inherently calming about combing through someone's hair.

"What the fuck do you want?" Were the first words out of Bakuogu's mouth when he picked up the phone.

Denki nervously smiled as he began talking, "Dynamight, buddy old pal, my guy, bestest bro-"

"What the hell did you do?!"

"Nothing! Nothing! I just uh, forgot to go grocery shopping."

"And that's my problem how?"

"Wanna bring food over and make me and the boys breakfast?" Denki asked, trying to infuse his voice with the power of puppy dog eyes.

Bakugou let out a loud, sudden laugh at that. "Fuck no, why would I ever willingly do that?" He said, making Denki frown.

He rolled back in his chair after muting himself. "Bean, he's not gonna do it."

Izuku lazily lifted his head from Eijirou's laugh and squinted at his other roommate. It was too early for this. "Just tell him it's okay, if he's too scared of the challenge."

It was like a light bulb went off in Denki's mind. The little gremlin in the living room was a genius. He quickly unmuted.

"No, no, it's okay dude. I get that it might be too challenging for you."



An hour later, and Bakugou and Sero were in their dorm, breakfast freshly made. Denki had ended the stream after the food was done, so now all five college students were sitting around the living room eating biscuits and gravy.

"I fucking hate you." Bakugou said, directing it at Izuku.

He wasn't lying on Eijirou anymore, seeing as it would be hard to eat that way, but he was still leaning against the redhead's side. He dropped his fork onto his plate and looked at the blond with apprehension. "What'd I do? Kami's the one that called you over here." He said, completely throwing his roommate under the bus. Serves him right for not going grocery shopping.

Bakugou just rolled his eyes at the deflection. "I'm not an idiot, I know it was your idea. Dunce face is dumb, but he's not dumb enough to call me at 8 am to make him food without someone else coaching him through it."

Izuku was silent for a second, staring the loud blond down before he shrugged as if to say 'yeah, you're right', and went on eating.

Sero looked up from his own plate, swallowing his mouthful before asking, "Hey, why were you even up this early? You're usually sleeping until, like, noon." The question was directed at Denki.

"I had to stream."

That made even less sense to the raven haired boy. "Why'd you have to stream that early? You usually stream at like five on the weekends."

Denki took a big bite of food, effectively preoccupying himself for a few seconds. "I'm busy tonight."

"Well that's cryptic as fuck." Bakugou pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Sero nodded in agreement. "What're you busy with?"

Denki nervously looked at his friend, before directing his gaze back at his plate.

Bakugou got annoyed with the long pause and decided to end it. "What sort of sketchy shit did you get into?"

Yellow eyes snapped up, wide in shock. "What? No- Nothing sketchy, jeez! I um, I kinda, I have, uh-"

"Oh my fucking god, just spit it out already."

"I have a date tonight!"

hey guys!

so i'm not dead and i'm actually gonna finish this book, swag. i'm gonna be starting another book soon as well, so keep your eyes out for that.

anyways, i hope you guys have a great day! ❤️💚💛

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