Chapter 17

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After a very polite break up- Hagakure had seen this coming, she thought Denki was a very sweet boy, but she didn't think they'd last- Denki burst into his shared dorm room, ready to confess his undying love for his two roommates.

Only to find the dorm empty of said roommates.

Stuff seemed to be missing too. It looked unnaturally clean.

He did a quick once over of the dorm, just to make sure they really weren't home, before catching sight of a note on the counter. It was clearly Izuku's bubbly handwriting.


Sorry I missed you, you were gone before I could talk to you. I got a call last night that my dorm was safe again, so Ei helped me move my stuff back today. I'm sure you're happy to get me out of your hair.

Thanks for letting me stay here for a few weeks.

Green Bean <3

Oh he really had to put the little heart at the end. It's cool, Denki didn't need his heart anyway.

He let out a huff as he slid down the counter and hit the ground a little harder than he would have liked. There was nothing to do now except wait for Eijirou to get back. Denki didn't know where Izuku's dorm was, so he couldn't keep chasing after them.

He could only sit and wait.


Denki woke up with a start as the door slammed. He hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep last night while waiting for Eijirou, who didn't end up coming home.

"Dude... did you sleep on the kitchen floor last night?"

The blond quickly shot to his feet, thinking his roommate had finally come home.

Only to see Bakugou and Sero, the one who had spoken, standing in front of his door.

Denki shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts and rid himself of disappointment. "Oh, um yeah. I was just waiting for Kiri and I must have fallen asleep. What're you two doing here?"

It wasn't unusual for friends to come over, but usually there was a warning and it wasn't at ten in the morning.

"Raccoon eyes told us what happened last night. Said she hadn't heard from any of you yet and sent us over here to see if you were still alive." Bakugou, helpfully, supplied an answer. He had leaned back against the wall, his hands in his pocket as he looked over Denki.

Said boy nervously rubbed at his hair, not liking when Bakugou looked like that. It usually involved a lecture about him being a 'dumbass that can't look after himself'. "Oh, yeah, um... like I said, I accidentally fell asleep, but I'm fine."

Bakugou pushed off the wall, blowing out air and rolling his eyes. "You don't know where the damn nerd's dorm room is, do you?"

Denki shot him a smile. "How'd you know?"

"C'mon, dumbass. You've got to give two shitty nerds a shitty confession." Bakugou said, not waiting for Denki to gather his bearings before walking out of the dorm.

His eyes widened as he shot after Bakugou. "Wait, you know where it is? But how? You and Midoriya didn't exactly get along before he moved in with us."

"If you'd shut up for two seconds, I could explain." The ash blond snapped, clearly not in the mood to deal with Denki's nervous rambling. "I helped Deku and shitty hair move his stuff yesterday."

That nearly made Denki trip over his own feet. "You willingly helped them?"

"I'm not an asshole all the time!"

"Coulda fooled me."

"Do you want me to show you his fucking dorm room or not?"

"I'll be quiet now."


And that's how Denki Kaminari found himself outside of Izuku's dorm room, all alone. Bakugou quite literally just dropped him off and left. He had no desire to see how this played out, good or bad.

So now Denki was by himself, trying to work up the courage to knock.

It had been a few minutes when he had finally lifted his hand, poised to knock, but hesitated. What if they didn't want to see him? What if they were happy together and couldn't be bothered with him after he hurt them first? What if they didn't even like him in the first place and Mina had just read the situation completely wrong?

Too many thoughts were swimming through his head, he almost didn't notice when the door opened, his hand still only a few inches from knocking.

"Oh, hello." A tall, broad shoulder boy said. He had blue hair and sleek glasses, looking over the lenses down at Denki.

"Hi." He squeaked back, bringing his hand down quickly, so quickly he almost punched himself in the side.

The taller boy raised an eyebrow at him. "Did you need something? You seemed to be trying to knock on my door."

Denki was suddenly sweaty and the air seemed to be unreasonably hard to breathe. "Oh um, I'm looking for Be- Midoriya! I'm looking for Midoriya. This is his dorm, right?"

'Holy fuck Denki, talk like a normal person.' He thought to himself.

The other boy smiled at Denki's flustered form. "Oh yes, why didn't you say so! C'mon in. I was just leaving, but Midoriya and his boyfriend are in the living room. Oh! I'm Iida by the way, Midoriya's roommate." He introduced, holding a hand out to shake.

Denki absentmindedly shook it, giving his name, but his head was still stuck on 'Midoriya and his boyfriend'.

Iida said a quick goodbye and walked past Denki, going on his way.

With hesitant steps, Denki made his way into the dorm room. The dorms in this building had a different set up than his, so there was a hallway at the door, blocking his vision of the living room.

But he could hear the tv. And Izuku and Eijirou.

They went dead silent as Denki finally came into view.

"Um... hi?" He said, although it sounded more like a question.

"Hey..." Izuku said awkwardly, unsure of how or why Denki was in his dorm.

The blond rubbed a hand up his arm, looking anywhere except for the two boys in front of him. "Can we talk?"

hey guys!!

forth update of the day, i'm here to reclaim my god status😌.

anyways, i hope you guys are having a good day!❤️💚💛

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