Chapter 8

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Hopefully my hand doesn't slip some time in the future and happen to kill off Denki or anything. That'd be bad-

Denki sped out of the bedroom and landed on the couch next to Eijirou with a hard thud.

"What the hell dude?" The startled redhead asked, nearly jumping out of his own skin from the shock.

Denki thrust his phone in front of his roommates face, a broad smile on his face. "Look at this cute fanart someone made!" He exclaimed.

Eijirou, who was a little less confused now, took the phone and scrolled through the twitter feed Denki had pulled up. Someone had drawn his 'cuddles for the bros' from their stream a few days ago.

"Whoa-" He mumbled. The art was really phenomenal. He ended up retweeting it, even though it was still on Denki's account.

"Aw c'mon dude! People are gonna think I'm weird now." Denki whined, snatching his phone back.

Eijirou laughed and ruffled the blond's already messy hair. "They already think that, so it's fine."

"You're a jerk." Denki mumbled, trying to back up off the couch, but slipping. "Ow, fuck!" He exclaimed as his forehead smacked right into his roommate's knee.

Eijirou, as concerned as he was for Denki's safety, couldn't help but to double over in laughter. How had the blond even managed that?

Which is what Izuku walked into. The shortest roommate had just had a three hour lecture and walked into his dorm to find one roommate teary eyes, holding his forehead, while the other was clutching his stomach in laughter.

"It's not that funny," Denki mumbled. "It really hurt."

Izuku quickly set his school bag down at the counter and rushed over to the injured blond. He grabbed his head, which is what he assumed was hurt, in a gentle grip. "What happened?"

"I slipped and smacked my head on Kiri's knee." Denki mumbled in embarrassment.

Izuku huffed at the explanation. He lightly flicked Eijirou's forehead, effectively grabbing the redhead's attention. "Stop laughing, he could be seriously hurt." He scolded.

Eijirou sheepishly smiled at the pair, running a hand through his messy hair, which was down that day. "Yeah, sorry..." He awkwardly apologized. Maybe he was spending too much time with Bakugou....

The blond roommate just rolled his eyes. "Don't be, I would have laughed my ass off if it was you."

"You're both ridiculous." Izuku said with a groan.

"Yet somehow you still put up with us." Eijirou said, leaning back on the couch while Izuku inspected the small bump appearing on Denki's head.

Izuku shot him a side glance. "Not voluntarily." He said with a small smile, clearly joking.

"You wound us, Bean." Denki said in a fake whine.

Izuku cradled the other's face in his hands, looking at him with a small pout. "And you've already been through so much today, poor thing."

"Mhm," Denki happily played along. "I deserve bro cuddles." He added, using his puppy dog eyes on the standing boy.

Izuku narrowed his eyes, thinking of a way out of the predicament he just walked into himself. "Don't you have to stream or something-"

"Nope! Kiri can stream by himself today!" Denki insisted, pulling Izuku down onto the couch.

"Whoa-" Izuku said as the world spun. Suddenly he was underneath the other boy, the blond's head on his chest as he watched whatever happened to be on the tv at the time. Izuku had just been demoted to the rank of 'pillow'.

Looking over at Eijirou with a silent plea for help, Izuku nodded at the semi heavy blond.

The redhead shrugged. "Gotta stream, you two have fun!" He called while walking over to his computer.

"I hate you!" Izuku called after him.

"No you don't!"


Eijirou's stream was going well, like always, but it had been a while since he had done a solo one and people seemed to be worried as to why. He kept telling them it was a long story, but that wasn't satisfying them very much.

With a sigh, the redhead finally caved. "Bolt was showing me something on twitter earlier and he was really excited about it, so he jumped on the couch awkwardly and when he went to get up, he slipped and smacked his head off my knee. He's got a bump on his head and is having Bean be his emotional support pillow on the couch."

"There literally isn't a wall, I can hear you!" Denki called, feeling even more embarrassed now that all of Eijirou's viewers knew the story.

"Oops," Eijirou said with a laugh.


Dont be shy, show the cuddles-

Its the emotional support pillow for me

Eijirou looked from the chat to the camera he had set up. "Uh, is this shit even portable? I don't use face cams enough for this." He mumbled, reaching up and trying to not mess up anything. "Uh, the camera is kinda plugged into the computer, but I can take a pic on my phone and tweet it." He said with a shrug.

He disappeared for a few seconds before suddenly a shout rang out.


"You scared the shit out of me."

"Delete it, delete it now."

"Oh c'mon, it's not-"

"Delete the picture or I delete your knee caps."

"Fuck, okay."

Eijirou came back into frame a little while later, the chat freaking out and going a million miles an hour.



We gonna talk about the fact Bean just slipped Riot's real name or-

Uh Bean is terrifying tho-

"Uh oh..." Eijirou mumbled upon seeing the chat. He hadn't even realized Izuku had called him Kiri earlier.

'Oh well, we already did a face reveal, it's not like them knowing my real name is that big of a deal at this point.' He thought to himself.

"Hey Midoriya," Eijirou called over his shoulder. "You dick, c'mere."


Bean or Bolt?!


A few seconds later, Izuku came stumbling into frame. "What'd I do? You called me Midoriya. You never call me Midoriya. Well you haven't in a while. You usually call me Mido or Bean. What'd I do? Are you mad? Did I-"

Eijirou placed a hand over his mouth while chuckling, cutting the mumbling greenette off. "You called me Kiri while my stream was going."

Izuku's eyes widened in horror. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! It was an accident, I swear! You just took a picture and I was mad. I'm still not sure how comfortable I am with my sexuality and you took a picture and it freaked-"

Eijirou showed his panic clear on his face as he placed his hand back over Izuku's mouth, shutting him up before he could unintentionally spill any more information he'd rather keep private.

And that's when Izuku's brain caught up with his mouth.

He looked over at the stream for two seconds before fleeing the living room and taking refuge in the bedroom, the door being slammed behind him.

"Mido- Guys, I'm gonna have to go. Sorry." Eijirou said quickly before shutting down the stream and following where Izuku had ran.

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