Chapter 5

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I am in Toko cosplay and my fake eyelashes are too big to properly wear my glasses but I'm too proud of the make up to take it off yet.

After Denki's little comment on the stream, the boys refused to say anything else on the topic of their sexualities. It was honestly just funny to Denki and Eijirou, while Izuku was still technically in the closet. He hadn't even told his roommates, which means they just figured it out.

It was the next night, Saturday, and Denki was streaming. Eijirou and Izuku were hanging out in the bedroom and letting him solo stream.

"Guys, guys, guys, what if I just did a face reveal, like right now?" Denki said, half joking, half wanting to finally do the reveal.

The chat started going crazy with 'yes's and 'please's.

Denki chuckled at how eager they all were to see what he looked like. "I would, but I have to wait for Riot and Bean to say they will too."

Go get them!

Ask Riot again!

Bean said he would!

"You guys are so persistent." The blond stream mumbled. "Riot! Bean! C'mere a sec!" Denki shouted over his shoulder.

There was a thud and a groan.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" Eijirou's voice said, muffled behind the still closed door.

"Will people please stop pushing me off beds!" Izuku whined.

Denki started laughing hysterically while the chat started asking if Bean was okay and spamming f's.

"Yeah guys, he's fine. Don't worry." Denki assured them, seeing as Izuku wasn't crying and he was still conscious. It couldn't be that bad.

A few seconds later, the two of them appeared, Izuku getting a piggyback ride from Eijirou. When Denki shot them a questioning look, the redhead just shrugged. "It's payback for pushing him off the bed."

Denki shook his head with a small smile at the two. "Anyways, the people want a face reveal."

"Let's do it!" Izuku cheered. He had become a sucker for pleasing the chat. He'd really do anything they'd ask, just to make all the viewers happy. Although some people tried to abuse it, but Eijirou and Denki would make sure he didn't do anything bad.

Izuku and Denki both looked over at Eijirou. The redhead rolled his eyes at the two of them before letting out a sigh. "Fine."

"Yes!" Denki and Izuku cheered together while the chat went absolutely nuts.

"We should set up an actual stream for it though, then we'll get more views than just turning on your face cam right now." Eijirou pointed out, grabbing his desk chair and rolling it over to Denki's set up, sitting on it backwards and resting his forearms on the back.

Denki shook his head. "Or we could just do it right now!"

Izuku looked at him unimpressed from where he was standing next to the two streamers. "You're not even wearing a shirt." He pointed out.


Give the people what they want bolt!

The electric blond chuckled lowly at the comments, before reaching an arm out and grabbing Izuku by the waist. He pulled and the green haired boy ended up in his lap with a yelp.

"Problem solved!" Denki cheered while turning the cam on.

"Whoa, wa-"

"Bolt, we shou-"

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