Chapter 15

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Izuku nervously shifted his eyes to Eijirou. "So... how long have you liked Kami?"

He felt the redhead stiffen under him at the question. "I've been in love with him for at least a year at this point." He muttered.

That caused Izuku to bolt straight up. "And you haven't said anything?!"

"It's not that easy!" Eijirou exclaimed in his defense. "There are other factors. It could ruin the friendship we have, it could mess with our whole group, our careers and our living situation."

Izuku gave him a small nod. "That's understandable, but still- You've been in love with him. You should tell him. Kami isn't the time of person to hold stuff like that against you."

"What about you then?" Eijirou asked, looking over at Izuku, who was trying to make himself smaller than he already was.

He shrugged as he picked at his nails. "What about me? It's not like I'm in love with him, I just have a crush. It'll probably go away eventually. Besides, you guys have known each other for so long, I'm honestly surprised you aren't dating yet. You get along so well and your personalities mesh. Just the way you two act around each other.... You can just tell you really care for each other. It's a wonder no one figured out you're in love with him." Izuku hadn't realized he was rambling until he'd finished talking. He awkwardly shifted in his spot, unsure of what to do in the silence.

Until Eijirou reached out a hand and gently lifted Izuku's head, so he was looking right at the redhead. HIs eyes widened at the look on Eijirou's face. It was the same look Izuku had caught glimpses of while his roommates were together. A look of pure love and adoration.

"You realize that's how we are around you, right?" Eijirou asked in an uncharastically soft voice for the large male.

Izuku's mouth went bone dry as his brain short circuited. Eijirou was... confessing to him? "I-" He wasn't even sure what to say.

Thankfully, he didn't have to say anything.

"Hey Mido?"


"Can I kiss you?"


"Hey guys!" Eijirou said with a bright smile as he started up his stream.

Him and Izuku might have ended up making out on their couch but that was neither here nor there. They ended up cuddling and Izuku fell asleep, but Eijirou still had to stream. He tried to wake up the other boy, but he just whined and clung to him tighter. Eijirou ended up just picking him up and walking the both of them over to his pc, leaving Izuku to nap on his lap while he streamed.

He chuckled as he read some of the chat, they were all asking about the Bean sized blob on his lap. "Yeah, he fell asleep on me earlier and won't let go now so..." Eijirou trailed off with a shrug. They had always been touchy with each other, so the chat shouldn't freak out more than normal.

He streamed for a little while before he got a dono asking where Denki was. "Oh, he um, he's on a date right now." Eijirou answered with an awkward smile. He felt Izuku start to cling tighter to him.

How can he be on a date if you and Bean are both at home?

Who could he possibly be on a date with?


Does this mean all hope for one day dating Bolt is gone? :(

Eijirou chuckled quietly at some of the chats, trying to tune out some of the... other ones. He didn't need to be reminded that Denki was out on a date and he wasn't.

That was when Denki actually got back to the dorm.

"I'm ho- Oh hey, I didn't realize you were streaming, sorry dude."

Eijirou shrugged him off. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

It was really the most the two had interacted in the past few weeks.

Denki walked over to Eijirou's setup, noticing Izuku passed out on his lap. "Um, is he okay?" He asked, stifling a laugh at the sight.

Eijirou looked down at the green haired boy with a fond smile. "Yeah, he's good. Just fell asleep on me earlier and refused to get up."

The blond nodded in understanding. "Sounds like Bean. Want me to take him for you?" Denki offered, thinking it might be more difficult for Eijirou to game with Izuku in the way.

Feeling Izuku tense up at the offer, Eijirou shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll let him sleep for the rest of the stream and wake him up when I end it."

Denki nodded, but seemed mildly confused. It made more sense to him to just take Izuku to bed now and let him sleep, but whatever he thought. "Ok cool, I'm gonna go to bed then. See ya tomorrow."

Eijirou just nodded to him, directing his full attention back to his stream.

Well that was the most awkward encounter i've ever seen.

Did something happen between you two?

Is everything ok with Bolt?


Eijirou elected to ignore his chat, instead talking about an upcoming stream he was doing with Mina.


The stream had ended and Eijirou had carried a now actually sleeping Izuku back to his bed.

Unfortunately, he woke up when Eijirou set him down.

"No," he whined, "You're comfy."

The redhead had to place a hand over his mouth, so he wouldn't wake Denki with his laughter.

Izuku grabbed onto his arm and pulled him towards his bed. "Just cuddle with me tonight." He mumbled, still half asleep.

That caused Eijirou to roll his eyes, but he smiled as he climbed into the twin bed with Izuku. There definitely wasn't room for the both of them, but they didn't care. They just scooted closer, huggin the other tightly as they drifted off.

Which was how a very confused Denki found them in the morning.

hey guys!!

here's some kirideku fluff to make up for the angst, you're welcome😌.

DUDES IM SO CLOSE TO 11k!!! that's so bizarre to think about! it feels like last week i was screaming with a friend over the fact i had 1k. you guys are all amazing!

anyways, i hope you guys have an awesome day!❤️💚💛

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