Chapter 4

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"So childhood friend, turned brutal bully, back to best friend, and then you just up and left?" Denki asked, paraphrasing the story Izuku had just told them.

"That's the jist of it, yeah." Izuku explained, shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth. They were back in their dorm now, all piled on the couch watching another movie.

Eijirou leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling. "God, I knew he was mean, but that's just fucked up." He said, speaking his true thoughts on the subject.

"Mhm," Izuku hummed. "But he's better now. He really did try to make it up to me, but I think he just was too in his head and didn't think he deserved my forgiveness or friendship, so he bolted."

The redhead nodded. "Sounds like something he'd do."

Denki let out a puff of air. "You two clearly know Bakubro differently than I do. I didn't think he really cared about people that much."

Izuku quickly shook his head, wanting to shut down that thought quickly. "No, no, no, he cares about people too much. He's scared that people won't stick around, so he doesn't get attached and basically just acts like a big jerk all the time in an attempt to protect himself."

(God the fucking kinnie call out, ouch)

"I feel like knowing that is illegal." Denki muttered, looking around the room in mock-paranoia.

Eijirou snorted and Izuku just looked at the blond quizzically. "What?"

"It just feels illegal." Denki restated.

Seeing that Izuku was clearly not going to get the joke, Eijirou just patted his head again. "Don't worry about him."

Izuku shifted his head so he could look back at his other roommate. "You know, you pet me a lot." He randomly.

"You know, you act like a puppy a lot." Denki shot back, even though Izuku's statement wasn't directed at him.

Eijirou laughed once again. "Not what I wasn't going to answer, but it works anyways." He said with a shrug.

"What were you going to say then?" Izuku asked, looking back at him again.

"Your head is just at a nice level to pat, I don't know." Eijirou said, not giving the question much thought. "Plus your hair is super soft."

There was a faint trace of pink on Izuku's face after that last comment, but he did his best to push it away.

"Pff, gay!" Denki said with a chuckle.

Eijirou shot him an unimpressed look. "Dude, you're literally bi."

Denki narrowed his eyes. "Well you're full homo."

"Something wrong with that?" Eijirou asked with a raised brow.

Instantly, Denki's hands shot up in surrender. "Dude, I'm literally bi!"

"My point exactly." Eijirou said while both of them broke into a fit of laughter.

Izuku was very lost, but decided to stay quiet.


*Time Skip One Week*

School had started at the beginning of the week and it was currently Friday, meaning the boys had made it through their first week.

Izuku was just returning from one of his classes when he was greeted by shouting as soon as he opened the door.

"I cannot believe you just fucking did that! How could you miss that?! That was like the easiest thing to hit! You're such an idiot, do you have any idea what you just did?!" Eijirou was shouting while Denki was dying of laughter.

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