Chapter 12

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It was about a week later now, and Izuku had had an absolutely terrible day at school. He had woken up late, rushed to his first class in a flurry, and was publicly called out by his jackass of a professor.

His second class wasn't much better. He had completely forgotten to do the reading and was lost the entire lecture. Plus there's a project due at the end of next week he wasn't even aware of.

To say it wasn't Izuku's day would be an understatement.

So when he walked back into the dorm room, eyes misty and shoulders hunched in, his roommates instantly knew something was wrong.

Denki quickly abandoned his pc and headed to a clearly upset Izuku. Eijirou was the one to end both of their streams while the blond set Izuku's bag on the floor and led him to the couch.

"What happened?" Denki asked as he sat down and pulled Izuku into his side, where the greenette promptly broke down.

Between sniffles and sobs Izuku managed to answer him. "I- I just had a r-really shitty day." He ended up burying his head into Denki's shoulder, feeling horrible.

Denki nodded in understanding, hugging Izuku tighter. "I'm sorry, Bean." He whispered, opting for the affectionate nickname.

Eijirou had signed off both the streams and was currently pulling up The Office to hopefully cheer Izuku up a little bit. Then he moved over to the kitchen while Denki continued talking to the smallest of the roommates. Izuku really liked tea, so Eijirou was going to make him some, even though he wasn't exactly sure how to go about it. He and Denki both hated tea, so neither of them had ever had a reason to make it before now.

Denki felt Izuku shiver against him, prompting him to grab the throw blanket off the side of the couch and drape it over them both. "Better?" He asked with a small smile.

He felt a nod against his side, but Izuku didn't verbally respond.

A few minutes later, Eijirou walked cautiously over to the couch, trying to not spill any of the tea. He might have gone overboard on the milk and sugar and now the cup was almost overflowing.

"Uh, I wasn't sure how you like it, but I tried." The redhead said in a sheepish voice while handing the cup over to Izuku.

"Thanks." was the quiet response he got.

Izuku slightly sat up and took a sip. He couldn't stop the laugh from escaping his lips after tasting the ridiculously sweet tea Eijirou had made him. "Kiri, how much sugar did you put in this?"

The tallest roommate awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Um, a lot?" He answered with a wince. "Is it bad?"

Izuku shook his head quickly. "No, no it's good, don't worry! I just wasn't expecting how sweet it was." He quickly assured.

It was way, way, sweeter than Izuku would ever make it, but he wasn't about to tell Eijirou that.

Cracking a relieved smile, Eijirou let out a sigh and sat down next to the greenette. "That's good. I was worried I messed it up."

Izuku just shook his head and took another sip, relaxing back into Denki's side. He turned his attention back to the current episode that was playing on the tv.

"Thank you guys." He mumbled awkwardly.

Denki looked over at him with a confused expression. "For what?"

Izuku looked down at his cup of ridiculously sweet tea. "For cheering me up."

He twitched in slight surprise when another arm was warped around his shoulders. "Don't mention it dude." Eijirou said with a beaming smile. "We're happy to help!"

A warm smile made its way onto Izuku's face and he fully let himself relax into the couch and his roommates.

The three of them spent the rest of the day bingeing the office and eating junk food.

Hey guys-

um sorry this is a week late and 400 less words than usual. to be completely honest, uh, life really sucks rn and writing isnt at the top of my to do list. it used to be a really great coping mechanism but then shit happened and i fell out of a pattern and now it's just too much effort i can't physically provide. i'm not going on another break or anything, but updates will be random and probably less frequent. oops.

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