Chapter 1

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"Did you get the email to?" Izuku asked his friend through the phone. It was currently summer break, just a few days before the were supposed to go back for the new term.

There was a little bit of static on the other end, showing just how bad Izuku's reception currently was. "The one about our dorm?" Iida asked. "Yeah, I did. Do you know who you're gonna be rooming with for the time being?"

Izuku nodded, even though Iida couldn't see. "Yeah, Kirishima and Kaminari. I've met them once or twice, they seem nice." He answered. As far as impromptu roommates went, he couldn't have done worse.

"I'm with Mineta and Oijirou." Iida informed him in a gruff voice, clearly not excited.

Izuku couldn't hold back his laugh at the new information. "I'm so sorry, Iida." He said between giggles.

"You don't sound like it." Iida pointed out with a sigh. He would much rather continue being Izuku's roommate.

Once his giggles were under control again, Izuku spoke. "Hey, the email said it would only take up to a month. Just go home on the weekends and then you only have to deal with him for twenty days."

"I suppose you're right." Izuku wasn't sure why, but he just knew that Iida had adjusted his glasses when he had said that.

"Okay, well I got to go, I'm heading back today." Izuku said, looking over to where his packed bags laid in his room.

"Ah I see, well goodbye, Midoriya. I will see you when classes start up." Iida said in an overly formal way.

Izuku chuckled while shaking his head, even after years of friendship, the guy was still so uptight. "Yeah, see ya later, Iida."

Inko Midoriya's voice came drifting from downstairs after he had hung up. "Izuku, are you ready to go, hunny?"

Izuku took one last look at his childhood room before grabbing his bags. "Yeah, I'm coming mom!"


When Izuku and his mother had gotten his bags to the front door of his temporary dorm, they said their goodbyes and his mom headed off.

Izuku turned to the door and took a deep breath before lightly knocking.

"Yeah, I got it, don't worry." A voice called, slowly getting closer to the door.

The door opened and Izuku sheepishly smiled at the redhead, who was beaming at him. Who had also decided to answer the door without a shirt on. It momentarily distracted Izuku before he caught himself.

"Oh! Midoriya, right? You're our new roomie for a little bit." Eijirou said with more enthusiasm than Izuku was expecting. He didn't think college students would be excited to share their dorm with another person when it was already a hassle living with one.

"Yeah, that me." Izuku answered sheepishly.

Eijirou opened the door further and nodded his head towards the dorm. "C'mon on in, just be quiet because Kaminari is streaming." He explained.

Izuku walked in with a confused look on his face. "Streaming?"

"Oh shit! C'mon dude, you're gonna kill me!" Denki shouted from a pc set up in the corner of the living room area. There was another on the opposite wall.

The dorm was set up to have a living room connected to a small kitchenette and then one big bedroom with loft beds for the students.

Eijirou just put his hands on Izuku's shoulders and steered him into the bedroom. Once the door was shut behind them and they didn't have to worry about their voices being picked up by the stream, the redhead started to explain.

"We're twitch streamers, we play games live online and people watch it." Eijirou explained while taking one of the bags from Izuku's hands and bringing it over to a bed that looked very out of place.

There was only supposed to be two beds in the room, but because of the sudden gas leak in Izuku's dorm building, the school needed to house more students in less space. A single bed was pushed against the far wall, right under a window.

"Oh okay. How often do you guys stream?" Izuku asked, wanting to know how often he had to stay quiet for them. It didn't bother him, he was usually out of the dorms, doing homework, or reading, so he was perfectly okay with it. Besides it was their dorm and he had kind of just been shoved into it, so he was going to try and make the adjustment as easy as possible for all of them.

Eijirou winced slightly while scratching the back of his neck. "Um, we kind of stream nearly everyday."

That really surprised Izuku, as shown by the raise of his brows. "Really? How do you find the time with school?" He asked, genuinely amazed.

The redhead shrugged at the question. "We find time, I guess. Sometimes streams end up being really late at night, but it's better than nothing. Those actually are the ones that usually do the best." He said with a chuckle.

Izuku laughed slightly at that too. "There's a lot of sleep deprived college students there, is my guess."

"Probably." Eijirou said with a nod. He then pointed to the empty bed. "It's not the best, but I guess it's all the school had. That sides mine, the other is Kami's, but our stuff always ends up everywhere anyway, so you don't really have to worry about it." He informed Izuku, pointing to each side of the room in turn. "Once his stream's done, I can show you the rest of the dorm, he shouldn't take too much longer."

And true to his word, Denki's stream was done a few minutes later. The electric blond stuck his head inside the room with a small smile. "Sorry about that, I didn't know you were coming today." He apologized.

Izuku waved him off. "It's completely fine, I don't mind." He told him sincerely.

Eijirou nudged the greenette's shoulder. "C'mon,"  he beckoned.

Izuku followed after him into the main area of the dorm.

"You should know the basic layout, seeing as it's the same as every dorm." Eijirou told him when they got to the living room area. "Uh, that's Kami's set up, that one's mine, please don't touch them if we're not here." He said with a small smile.

"Dude, you have no idea how expensive those things are." Denki chimed in as he threw himself down on the couch in the middle of the room.

Izuku held his hands up in a joking manner. "Don't worry, I won't touch them. They look really intimidating anyway."

Eijirou lightly nudged Denki's figure on the couch with his foot. "Eh, if he can figure it out, I'm sure you can." He told Izuku, making the shorter laugh loudly.

"Rude, dude." Denki said while pushing the foot away.

Eijirou rolled his eyes, but still held his smile in place, and sat down next to the blond. "I have a stream in an hour, so what'd you guys want to do until then?"

"Unpack?" Izuku said, knowing that had to get done.

Denki groaned. "That's so boring, let's watch a movie or something instead!" He said like a small child.

Izuku shook his head as he started to decline. "I should really get it-"

He was cut off when an arm grabbed his and pulled him down on the couch. "Shush, we're watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and you get no say in it." Denki said, patting Izuku's head as he pulled up Netflix.

Izuku looked over at Eijirou, seeing as he was now squished between them, thanks to Denki.

"You're not gonna be able to get out of it. Just watch the movie and unpack later." Eijirou said while redirecting his attention to the tv as the beginning credits came on.

Izuku pouted and slumped into the couch with his arms crossed. "Fine."

Hey guyyyyys,

I know I said I couldn't concentrate on more than one thing at a time, but imma do it bc I really really wanna write this one.

Alsoooooo as always with a new book, I need a cover. Any takers?....

After the Stream (KiriKamiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now