Chapter 7

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"They've been in there a while. How do you think it's going?" Denki asked, sitting on the counter and looking over at the bedroom door for any sign of movement.

Eijirou shrugged, shutting off the stove and grabbing a few plates. "No clue. Haven't heard any yelling or anyone throwing things, so can't be too bad."

Denki nodded in understanding. "That's true."

Before Eijirou could even finish plating everyone's breakfast, the bedroom door opened. Out walked Bakugou, who's eyes were rimmed with red. Izuku was on his back, sniffling while laying his head on the blond's shoulder.

Eijirou cautiously set plates down for them at the counter, eyeing the two. "Are you guys... okay?" He asked hesitantly.

Denki had his head in his hands, still on the other side of the counter. "What'd you do this time?"

Izuku shook his head. "Kacchan didn't do anything bad, don't yell at him." He said, his voice softer than normal.

The smaller boy slid off Bakugou's back and took a seat at the counter, quietly starting to eat his breakfast. His blond friend did the same, just as quiet.

Eijirou and Denki both shared concerned looks, not really sure what to do about the two. Bakugou being this quiet as never, ever, happened in the entire time the two roommates had known him. They hadn't known Izuku nearly as long, but this was still new behavior for him as well.

After a very long and very awkward breakfast, Bakugou made up some crappy excuse of needing to get some homework done and ditched the three roommates as fast as possible.

"So um, how'd that go?" Eijirou asked after awkwardly clearing his throat.

Izuku, speaking up for the first time since defending Bakugou, had a quivering voice. "Fine, it- it was just a lot of repressed stuff that came up."

Leaning forward on his elbows, Denki piped up. "What kind of repressed stuff?"

That earned him a hard smack on the back of the head from Eijirou. "He clearly doesn't want to talk about it."

Denki shot Izuku with an apologetic smile while rubbing the back of his head. "Oh yeah, sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

The green haired boy shook his head. "No it's fine, if I was in your position I'd probably be curious to." He mumbled before taking a deep breath. "Uh, well I'm not straight, I'm pretty sure you two already figured that out yourselves."

To which both boys nodded.

Izuku wrapped his arms around him with a huff. "Great." He muttered in a sarcastic tone. "Well I was even more obvious in middle school apparently and I got bullied for it a lot. Like... intensely... Probably the worst span of time in my entire life. Kacchan wasn't even the worst one, but he was definitely still a part of the problem. I guess when he talked about it and apologized I realized just how not over it all I really am, y'know? I ended up sobbing, Kacchan ended up tearing up. It was just kind of a mess." Izuku finished explaining, avoiding looking at either of his roommates directly.

Eijirou shifted himself so he was standing in front of the shortest of the three. He ruffled Izuku's hair slightly in a comforting manner. "Do you forgive him?"

Izuku looked up and finally met the redhead's eyes. "I-" he had started to say yes, but stopped himself. "Not yet."

Eijirou nodded. "That's okay. You're allowed to take as long as you need, maybe even never fully forgive him. It's all up to you, so don't feel pressured to." He said, wrapping an arm around the other boy and pulling him into a side hug, looking over at Denki.

The electric blond was just checking his phone when he suddenly dropped his phone. "Dude! We're late to stream!" He shouted, scrambling out off the stool he was seated on and heading over to his pc.

"Oh shit, seriously?" Eijirou asked, checking his own phone. He had a ton of twitter notifications of people tweeting at him and Denki asking where the hell they were.

He looked over at Izuku, who was still just pushing food around on his plate. "You wanna sit in today or no?" Eijirou asked gently.

Hopeful emerald eyes looked up at the other young adult. "Could I just sit and watch? I don't really wanna be alone, but I don't think I'm up for a lot of talking."

Eijirou nodded with a sweet smile. He moved so Izuku could easily climb onto his back, which the other boy did after a second of confusion. By the time the two of them made it over to Denki, he already had the stream pulled up and was talking with the chat.

"There they are!" Denki said cheerfully. "Everyone was worried we scared Bean off." He said with a playful eye roll.

Izuku smiled at the camera. "Not yet." He said lightly.

Eijirou set the other boy down, rolling his desk chair over to Denki's, taking a seat and pulling Izuku onto his lap.

"See? This is exactly why there are shipping wars in our chats." Denki said with a small frown, looking over at the two.

Eijirou shrugged, seeming unphased. "Bean doesn't feel the best, so he gets cuddles. You cuddle the homies when they don't feel good."

I do not think I could love a man more


Someone cuddle me I don't feel good either-

Denki laughed loudly at the chat, more people were declaring that they too were not feeling the best. "You now are obligated to cuddle four thousand people."

"I'm busy though." Eijirou said, nodding his head down to Izuku, who was absently rubbing part of Eijirou's shirt in between his thumb and pointer finger.

"It's official, Riot cares about Bean more than you guys." Denki said, looking over at the chat to watch the chaos unfold.

I aint even mad bout it


Guys you have to remember that Riot doesn't even know any of us obviously he cares about bean more

Its cool I care about Bean more to

Eijirou snorted at the chat comments before looking over at Denki. "Are you implying that you care about them more than Bean?"

Izuku lifted his head slightly to look over at the blond, who already seemed to know he fucked up. "You care about the chat more than me?" He asked, his eyes glazed over with tears. He wasn't actually going to cry, he knew it was a joke, it was just very easy for him to force tears when he had just been sobbing.

Denki instantly spun in his chair to face Izuku. "No, no, no, no, no, no. I care about you so much more than them!" He promised, pulling Izuku into his lap and hugging the boy tightly.

Izuku quietly laughed. "I was just kidding, you know."

"I don't care." Denki said, still hugging the smaller boy.

Eijirou looked over at the stream, mouthing 'whipped'.

Hey guys!

i'm sort of sorry that it took so long for me to update, but not entirely bc i honestly just had no motivation or interest in doing it so like, oh well.

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