Chapter 18

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"Can we talk?"

Denki could actually see the other two boys tense at his words.

"Um... sure?" Izuku said, nodding his head to the recliner next to the couch.

Denki took a seat and tried to figure out what the fuck he was going to say. Last night seemed so much easier. He was hyped up on adrenaline from learning that they both liked him, but now he was thinking through all the worst case scenarios, doubts crashing into him left and right.

"What'd you wanna talk about?" Izuku prodded, seeing as Denki wasn't getting anywhere on his own.

The blond jumped, as if he had forgotten there were other people in the room. "Oh, um, so I talked with Mina yesterday... She helped me figure out a few things." He explained very poorly.

Eijirou and Izuku both wore looks of confusion, clearly not being able to tell where this conversation was going. "Okay?"

"I broke up with Hagakure."


The shock was obvious. Neither of the other two had expected that from Denki when he walked into the living room.

Eijirou cleared his throat, looking up at the blond. "What happened? Did you two fight or something?"

He was being rather blunt, Izuku couldn't help but mentally facepalm.

"No, not at all actually. Just realized we weren't going to work out in the long run." Denki answered and the room fell into silence once again.

"... and I realized I might be in love with someone else."

The way Izuku visibly flinched caught Denki's attention. The green haired boy leaned back into his boyfriend, turning his gaze away from Denki.

Denki had no idea that Izuku was almost certain he meant Eijirou. He had no way of knowing that Izuku was trying to relish in the physical comfort of Eijirou before Denki confessed and the redhead inevitably left Izuku for his first love. He figured it was bound to happen, and as long as both boys were happy, he'd be okay. He could be okay.

"Who?" Izuku asked in a quiet voice, praying neither of the boys noticed the way his voice cracked as he tried to keep his sobs down. He was bracing himself to lose both of them.

Eijirou placed a reassuring kiss on Izuku's head, allowing the green haired boy to let out a shaky breath and relax just a fraction.

Seeing the two of them together made Denki hesitate. They seemed happy together, like they just work, fit together like sunshine colored puzzle pieces. Who was he to potentially ruin that?

He opened his mouth to answer, but stopped, thinking of what to say.

".... I'm not sure if you'd know them."

And just like that, Denki managed to break their hearts even more.

Eijirou abruptly stood up, glaring hard at the floor. "Just leave, Kaminari."

Both of the other boys looked up at him in clear shock.

"What?" Denki asked, not even trying to hide the way his voice cracked. Eijirou had never been mad at him. Eijirou had never told him to leave before.

The redhead looked up at him, his eyes just barely giving away his hurt by the water building up there. "If you just came here fuck with us some more, than just leave. We're hurting enough without you constantly reminding us."

Denki stood up now, not risking walking closer to the two. "What do you mean?"

Even if he was almost positive he knew what Eijirou was talking about, he needed confirmation. He didn't want to be wrong. It would kill him if he was wrong.

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