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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

still monday

"hey asswipes let us in !" hyunjin's head whipped towards the door peeking out the window he saw everyone standing there including bambam.

"oh no." the blonde mumbled attempting to stand up from the couch where he was previously sitting. unfortunately, jeongin had other plans and was quick to tighten his arms around the elder's waist.

"hey innie-"

"hey yoohoo! yeah over here, i can see you're awake bimbo unlock the door !" hyunjin looking between the door and jeongin conflicted. and then decide to hoist the younger up like anyone without commonsense would do in that type of situation. the older quickly unlocked the door letting the group of boys in the cabin.

"yo twerp why didn't you open the door sooner." bambam growled angrily at the younger.

"did you not see me trying to get off the couch? jeongin wouldn't let go of me." the youngest of the group just mumbled in agreement fluttering his eyes shut again laying his head gently against the older boy's shoulder.

"i've been a counselor for almost 5 years, and i swear you guys are the most stressful group i've dealt with. who were your poor counselors last year." bambam rubbed his temple trying to soothe his headache due to being around the group of loud boys for so long.

"well all of us have never shared a cabin before but me innie and seungmin had sehun as a counselor last year." felix explained pointing towards the two other boys.

"the rest of us have always shared a cabin, but we had jackson as a counselor." chan explained, looking over at bambam who stared at him with a look on his face chan couldn't even try to explain.

"and i've never been to camp before." hyunjin added.

"everything makes so much more sense now, like so much more sense now." the eldest mumbled chuckling lightly to himself.

"is he okay?" felix whispered to jisung who was quick to shake his head mumbling some witty remark, most likely about their counselor.

"i think i liked it better when you guys hated each other's guts." bambam faked gagged at hyunjin and jeongin who had moved and was now laying on the oldest lap curled up in a tiny ball.

"trust me it's better now, i've gotten tired of having to listen to hyunjin practice apologizing to his wall every night for the past week." changbin rolled his eyes, seungmin nodded his head in agreement giggling at the hwang boy who was now glaring at him from across the living room.

"so that's what that was, i thought maybe i was just hearing things." felix mumbled shaking his head, giggling at hyunjin's who was now whining and complaining due to the boys teasing.

"have you guys like been separated since last night?" chan looks in confusion between the blonde and brunette boys.

"no, he won't let go of me." hyunjin replied threading his fingers through the younger boys soft hair. the younger immediately sat up humphing and moving to the other side of the couch.

"i didn't mean it like that innie." hyunjin took the initiative and grabbed the younger when he refused to listen, and just plopped him back on his lap.

"it's nearing the end of the summer ya know." bambam suddenly spoke up, everyone groaning in response upset at the idea of having to go home.

"i didn't mean it like that, jesus i meant it's soon time for the summer relays and sports events. did you guys even like start practicing at all, i made a bet with jackson last year that my cabin this year would win, and i really don't wanna have to pay him $200." the group looked at each other panic written on their faces, it was very clear that they had completely forgotten about the relay sports event championships the second to last week of camp.

"you've gotta be joking me!! sunny championships are in a little over two weeks, and you guys aren't even prepared. i'm broke ya know, as in i have like no money kids." bambam signed getting up from the loveseat waving a goodbye before leaving the cabin.


"i got the schedule, the championships are on the 11th, and it starts at 12 pm. first is the lawn sports, so that's running, and archery. and then it's water sports at the beach, so swimming relays, kayaking, and volleyball. the only one we as a whole have to do together is the volleyball tournament. the rest are either two, three, or four members from a cabin, so any volunteers." chan had given the rest of his cabin members a run down of how things would go down in about two weeks from now.

"i'm decent at archery, and i did swimming throughout high school." the group looked over in surprise at hyunjin.

"you did sports?!" the boys yelled in surprise.

"yeah i was on my schools swim team since all throughout high school and middle school." hyunjin shrugged.

and so after a while of discussing: felix, chan, jeongin would do the running relay. hyunjin, minho, and felix would to archery, seungmin and changbin would do the kayaking race. hyunjin and chan would do the swimming relays. and all of them would do the volleyball tournament.

"i bet 20 bucks changbin will knock the kayak over." jisung whispered to felix, the younger thought about it for a moment before nodding and shaking hands.

"20 bucks seungmin tips it over." both boys giggled the rest of the group giving them concerned looks.

"sungieeee cmere." said boys ears perked up, his eyes immediately meet with his boyfriends. jisung playfully rolling his eyes before waddling over to the older a small smile on his face.

"you're always with felix i think i've gotten sick from my lack of vitamin ji." he mumbled, everyone else gagging at the two boys who were now cuddled against each other content smiles on their faces.

"you guys are truly disgusting." changbin muttered shaking his head.

"yet no one says a thing about them." jisung retorted pointing at a certain two boys who were as sitting peacefully, hyunjin's head in the younger lap while jeongin played mindlessly with the elder's hair.

"hey leave us out of this." both boys barked defensively, a small pout set on jeongin and hyunjin's face while they glared at jisung.

"hey it's soon time for dinner we gotta go." chan called out springing up from the couch, everyone soon following the eldest boys actions.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: hello i am indeed not dead !! did i proofread this ? absolutely not, i will eventually go back and fix everything i promise. also unfortunately this book will soon be coming to an end, i believe there will only be 3-5 chapters left. I PROMISE HYUNJIN AND JEONGIN WILL GET TOGETHER AKSGAKSGSJAGJAG. also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3k READS !!!! i love you all so much mwah mwah mwah !! until next time.
-c <3

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