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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"i'm going to miss you my beloved, please i beg of you do not forget me my dear minho."

"jisung we don't leave for another 4 hours shut the hell up, you do this every year."

"does he really do this every year."

"yes every single year and changbin always yells at him, now like changbin said we have 4 hours so let's please not argue." chan had cut felix off who was staring at a giggling minho and a very clearly angry jisung who was busy glaring at changbin.

"now i will only ask one more time, is everyone completely packed up? as i'm not even last minute stuff unpacked, like all of your shit is packed right."

"yes chan." the 7 other boys groaned dropping there stuff outside the cabin doors, watching solemnly as chan locked the door to their cabin for the last time this summer, and possibly just for the last time.

"i don't wanna leave." the group looked over at the usually cheerful tall boy who was looking out towards the lawn a glum look painted onto his pretty face, tears lightly starting to well in his eyes.

"we'll see you next year." jeongin grabbed his hand smiling brightly, even a fool could tell his smile was not genuine. you could see the worry and doubt behind his dark brown eyes.

"but i don't know for sure-"

"we'll see you next year hyunnie." he looked down at the younger who clearly had tears welling up into his eyes too, unsure of how you comfort someone when you yourself crave that comfort too.

"guys no crying yet, save it for later we must enjoy these last few moments !!" the group looked over a felix instantly feeling their moods be lifted.

"lix has a point." chan pointed out as the group made there way to the mess hall for breakfast. for their last meal together, until hopefully next summer.

"so...are you guys excited for college?" jisung asked the three eldest hoping to break some of the obvious tension that clung to the air.

"excited to get away from my parents." hyunjin grumbled poking around at the eggs on his plate.

"i'm kinda looking foward to it i guess." minho sighed shrugging his shoulders.

"i'm actually really excited, me and chan are going to the same college." changbin grinned bumping his shoulders against the eldest who in return gave him a soft smile.

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