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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


out of all people jeongin could've shared a room with, it was with that snobby blonde kid. jeongin was looking forward to going to camp, but he most certainly was not looking forward to sharing a room with some snob. but jeongin decided he wouldn't let sharing a room with him ruin his whole summer that would just be stupid and childish.

jeongin searched for his room which chan had then informed him was the last door down the right hallway. jeongin opened the door to see a medium sized room with two beds on opposite sides of the room, two small night side tables, and a set of two dressers. looking around jeongin could see hyunjin's bags which were huge and some fancy expensive brand. the raven haired boy just rolled his eyes going over to his side of the room to start unpacking. jeongin grabbed the cassette tape and player from his bag plugging in some cheap headphones he found at the 99¢ store.

so he started unpacking putting all his
clothes in the dresser and his nicknacks in the bedside table. he hummed quietly to himself as he set out the few pairs of shoes he brought with next to the dresser. the boy danced around smiling to himself his eyes closed in bliss the sun shining on his face brightly from behind the window. he felt at peace...that was until he crashed into something, or
well someone.

"god do you ever watch where you're going." the older boy rolled his eyes at the younger boy a scowl on his pretty face.

"oh um sorry, by the way i'm yang jeongin." he smiled lightly at the blonde haired boy in hopes of it concealing the light blush that coated his cheeks.

"great i don't care." at this statement jeongin's cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment. the shorter boy was just trying to make conversation with the the taller boy. try and get to know him, but it seemed hyunjin was much more interested in his blonde hair twirling it lightly around his finger.

"fantastic." jeongin mumbled under his breath rolling his eyes, but the raven haired boy decided to just go back to unpacking. so that's what he did for the next 10 minutes, smiling lightly to himself after he finished going downstairs. when jeongin finally made his way downstairs he saw mostly everyone was down there in the living room.

"jeongin come here we wanna catch up with you." felix called to the younger boy. jeongin beamed i'm excitement shuffling over to his two best friends who were seated on the couch along with chan and jisung.

although the group did talk quite a lot during the school year it still felt as if they didn't talk at all. there was so much jeongin didn't know about the two boys years despite the fact they emailed almost everyday. felix had explained to the two boys that his parents were once again on bad terms and he was afraid they would split soon. and seungmin had admitted that he had a now ex boyfriend. both felix and jeongin were extremely offended that he didn't tell them that their friend had gone through his first relationship and breakup without them. but the kim boy reassured that it was only because he wanted to tell them in person.

"his name is hyunjoon he's going to be a junior this year just like us. and i actually met him through a mutual friend, vernon i think i told you guys about him before. anyway vernon started sitting with my friend group and one day he invited hyunjoon to sit with us. and then we became friends and then we became more than friends. and then about 2 moths ago we broke up on mutual terms." felix and jeongin looked at their friend sadly, offering him sympathetic smiles.

"hey guys it's 6 o'clock we need to go over to the mess hall for dinner." changbin shouted jogging down the stairs minho following close behind him, jeongin for some reason unknown to him looked for hyunjin. but oddly enough the blonde haired boy was no where in sight.

"hyunjin it's time for dinner stop being grumpy and come down here!!!" everyone covered their ears as chan screamed up to hyunjin hoping he would come down. soon enough they could hear someone groan before a door opened. hyunjin just glared at them as he stomped down the stairs.

"groan and glare all you want, i guarantee in a few weeks you'll love camp." hyunjin was very and i mean very quick to disagree with chan's statement. so the group ventured off to the mess hall a certain grumpy boy trailing behind them occasionally rolling his eyes at the group of laughing boys.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: i don't have much to say lol. i hope you're all enjoying the story so far!!!
-c <3

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