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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


the sun slowly started to set as the group of 9 boys walked back down the trail to get back to the halls. bambam tried convincing jeongin to go to the nurse but the younger boy just shook off the idea claiming he was fine. dinner went as usual, the group talking amongst themselves cracking jokes and the occasional argument. eventually the group finished up their dinner and headed back to their cabin for the evening.

"jeongin come on let's go clean you up." hyunjin mumbled grabbing the youngest arm to lead him up to the bathroom.

"i'm fine." hyunjin was very quick to cut over the younger giving him a pointed look.

"it'll get infected come on jeongin." hyunjin retorted not giving the shorter boy enough time to even protest just dragging him upstairs. the two boys made their way to the bathroom at the very end of the hall.

hyunjin motioned to the younger to sit down, jeongin just rolled his eyes before hopping up on the counter. the two sat there in silence, not awkward silence, but just silence. jeongin looked up at the older his blonde hair lightly falling in front of his soft brown eyes.

"thank you." jeongin mumbled as hyunjin finished cleaning up his cut brushing his hair back into place.

"of course." the older sent him a small smile, a genuine one not the usual fake sarcastic one a real genuine smile, and it looked so pretty on him.


2 weeks had passed since the group had went to the lake, and a lot had changed since then. felix was practically hanging all over chan, not that chan had minded it he was perfectly content. jeongin wanted to ask the older about what was going on between him and chan but the opportunity had never come up. hyunjin was actually starting to adjust to camp, he didn't whine and complain every 5 minutes. and he was actually being nice to the other boys most of the time anyway. every morning jeongin would wake up hyunjin so that he would get ready on time. they would go their separate ways doing their morning routine, and then meet up in the bathroom so jeongin could do his hair.

"how do you even know how to do hair?" hyunjin questioned looking at the shorter boy through the mirror.

"when i was younger i use to do my moms hair a lot, i don't really know why but she taught me how to braid and stuff because of it." jeongin secures the little braid with a rubber band, the older boy just quietly watching him.

"okay let's go now."

"i'll be right there i just have to grab my shoes." hyunjin mumbled standing up, jeongin nodded exiting the bathroom. the hwang boy signed making his way to their room searching for his shoes.

hyunjin looked around the room noticing the pink notebook on jeongins bed. it couldn't hurt to just take a peak right? that's exactly what hyunjin told himself walking over to the book picking it up. the boy opened the book just flipping through the pages quickly. until he came across one page which had a polaroid picture of him, not the one he took on the day they went hiking. it was a picture from thursday of him making a bracelet. hyunjin didn't even notice the younger taking his picture. 

today was a pretty good day, i made friendship bracelets with everyone it was so nice i got to know more about chan, jisung, minho, changbin, snd hyunjin. things between me and hyunjin have gotten better, we're civil with one another i think i could even consider us friends. the problem is my feelings for him, i can't decide whether i like him or not, i think i do but i'm really not sure i've never liked anyone in a romantic way it's all so confusing, it's giving me a headache. well hopefully i'll figure out my feelings, until tomorrow.
- signing off,  jeongin

"what the hell are you doing!" hyunjin quickly closed the book looking over at an angry jeongin, the yang boy stomped over to hyunjin ripping the book out of his hands.

"how much did you even read from it?"

"i promise i didn't read any of-" hyunjin lied hoping the younger boy wouldn't see straight through lies.

"i'm not a fool hyunjin, and just to think i thought i could trust you." jeongin interrupted the boy grabbing his notebook he shoved it in his backpack before storming out of the room slamming the door behind him.

"i messed up big time." the blonde mumbled rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"you got that right." the hwang boy looked over to seungmin who was standing in the doorway shooting him a harsh glare.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: angst! angst! angst! angst!
sorry i just need to spice up this story a little bit, things won't be rocky forever. sorry i haven't been updating as much i've been busy editing, and working on a chanlix hockey au. also thank you for over 400 reads ily guys mwah. okay that's it bye bye now!!
-c <3

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