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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


friday morning started like almost every
other morning at the cabin. chan was the first awake followed by changbin, seungmin, jisung, felix, minho, and then jeongin. a certain blonde boy passed out sleeping away while everyone else civilly got ready. that was until hyunjin woke up and then everything turned to absolute chaos. chan sat down in the living room on the couch sipping from his water bottle. chan looked towards the stairs hearing changbin and seungmin race down the stairs pushing and shoving each other. the oldest of the group just rolled his eyes and chuckled at their childish antics.

"hey is hyunjin almost ready?" chan asked, looking over at the clock the time read 9:15 am the mess hall stopped serving breakfast at 10 am so they needed to pick up the pace.

"i'm not sure i saw him going into the bathroom a few minutes ago." minho shrugged, chan just groaned rubbing his temples. before the eldest even got a chance to say anything jeongin ran upstairs towards the bathroom.

"didn't anyone ever teach you to knock?" hyunjin shouted at the younger, jeongin just watched with wide eyes as the door slammed against the door stopper.

"we need to go chan is getting antsy- what are you doing? come here." jeongin watched in amusement and disappointment as the older boy attempted to tie up his long hair.

"i don't ever wear my hair up." hyunjin mumbled watching the smaller boy grab a brush and hair tie from the counter.

"you need to like sit down or something i can't reach you." jeongin huffed, hyunjin tried his best to stifle his laugh but couldn't help the few giggles that slipped past his sealed lips.

the two boys say in silence as jeongin combed through hyunjin's hair with his fingers. the blonde haired boy signed in content as the younger boy played with his hair. jeongin quickly tied the boys thick hair in a simple topknot, stepping back jeongin admired his work. granted there was a lot of baby hairs and what jeongin was guessing layers that didn't fit into the hair tie but it looked fine. extremely attractive not that jeongin would ever admit that, well at least not to hyunjin himself of course.

"I SWEAR IF YOU GUYS DON'T HURRY UP I SWEAR I'LL DRAG YOU DOWN HERE MYSELF!!" the two boys instantly started to burst out laughing at jisung's pathetic attempt to sound angry.

"come on let's go before they kill us." jeongin giggles grabbing the older a arm dragging him out of the bathroom downstairs where everyone say waiting for them.

"what kind of spell did you cast on hyunjin he doesn't seem grumpy for once, i think i even saw him smiling when you two come downstairs?" seungmin asked the younger a hint of amusement in his eyes, jeongin just brushed off seungmin's question with a quick shrug of his shoulders. the group all sat eating their breakfast chatting amongst themselves about what they were doing today besides going to the lake of course.

"i swear you guys can never be on time, why'd i have to get assigned to a group like you guys." the boys turned to see bambam whining rubbing his head with his fingers.

"because we're fun as hell and whoever assigned counselors to cabins thought you were boring as hell so they gave you to us so that you would ya know become more fun."

"have a little more action in you life, lighten up bambam, besides your stuck with us all summer." everyone at the table nodded in agreement with felix and minho. while the the older boy just simply rolled his eyes in amusement. bambam despite his constant annoyance with the group, he liked them they were indeed fun to be around. and the group of 8 surely did make his "boring as hell" life more fun, and he would forever be great full for that.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: THANK YOU SM FOR 225 READS!!! i'm currently in the process of making a chanlix hockey ya book, my hope is to post it sometime this week so if you wanna check that out. i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter bye bye!!
-c <3

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