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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


the food at camp wasn't awful actually, well it wasn't the greatest either but better than most camps. jeongin would always prefer his mother's cooking over sunny days food but it was still pretty good in his opinion. some people, of course, didn't agree with him, by some people that means hyunjin. god that boy complained about everything it wouldn't surprise the small boy if tomorrow hyunjin started complaining about the air quality of their cabin.

"this food tastes like shit." the hwang boy mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear resulting in the other seven boys rolling their eyes at the blonde haired boy. chan was very quick to snap at the younger boy telling him to be more optimistic. which of course hyunjin just ignored the older boy looking over to a certain table where a group of girls were sitting.

"hey, who's that?" the group of boys looked over to where hyunjin was pointing, over in the distance they saw hyunjin was pointing. immediately their eyes' met a girl with orange hair smiling and laughing with her friends, the boys had to stifle their laughs. 

"that's sana trust me she's not interested." felix choked on a laugh everyone else quickly joining in on the giggles.

"felix i'm hwang hyunjin i can get with anyone i want." hyunjin glared at the shorter boy, quickly pouted once everyone started to laugh even harder.

"hyunjin you see that girl that just sat down next to sana?" changbin asked pointing to a girl with brown hair and feathered bangs, hyunjin nodded a confused look on his face.

"no ones gonna tell him? fine i will that's tzuyu aka sana's girlfriend you have no chance with sana she's a lesbian, sorry bud." jisung patted the older shoulder who just rolled his eyes shoving jisung's hand off of him.

for the rest of dinner, hyunjin was mostly quiet just watching the group of boys around him, they seemed like the whole group had known each other for years. despite the fact that jeongin, felix, and seugmin had just met the other group of boys several hours ago. hyunjin wouldn't admit it but he almost yearned for their friendship they all seemed so happy around each other, constantly laughing and cracking jokes acting like best friends. but of course, hyunjin was way too stubborn to admit to the fact he wanted to be friends with him. especially the small boy with dark hair everyone seemed to gush over and laugh with.

jeongin didn't seem to notice the tall boy staring at him for the rest of dinner he was much too busy eating and talking to his best friends and new friends. the small boy only seemed to notice but before jeongin could even see that hyunjin was practically staring into his soul the hwang boy turned away quickly looking down at his half eaten food. the group quickly finished up their food throwing out their trash on their way out of the mess hall walking back to their cabin. the boys once again talked amongst one another laughing and shouting at each other happily. jisung constantly making jokes about minho while the older would just flick his forehead yelling a snappy "yah!" at the younger boy before pulling him into a side hug.

but there was one boy who just trailed behind the group a glare set on his pretty face. of course, hyunjin never made an effort to join in on the conversation. he just walked quietly hugging his arms close to his chest shivering due to the chilly hair. jeongin looked back seeing the older boy trailing behind the group a pout forming as he turned around seeing as the boy didn't even see him. he would've asked the older boy to join in on their conversation, but the yang boy remembered the last time he tried talking to him. that, of course, resulting in hyunjin snapping at him plus it appeared that hyunjin was angry at him so jeongin just decided to ignore him.

hyunjin did see jeongin turn towards him, the older boy might seem very outgoing but that was only with his friends, now without them here he felt lonely and awkward. he saw the younger pout as he turned back around to the group...oh how he wished the yang boy would've said something to him instead of leaving him to walk behind the group hearing their conversations and giggling amongst themselves, while hyunjin just watched.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: THANK YOU FOR 100 READS SEXCS ILY GUYS. phew anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, sorry it got a little sad there at the end i was listening to my sad playlist and get inspired lol. i know jeongin is taller than most of the members, but for the sake of theis story i'm making him tiny and shorter than the rest of the skz. i hope you're all doing well i'll see you guys next chapter bye bye.
-c <3

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