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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


going to the lake: nothing could possibly go wrong, it's just a body of water for crying out loud. that's what bambam thought, what he had hoped for anyway. unfortunately for him that's what the group of 8 had in plan for him.

the group of boys had quickly finished their breakfast throwing away their trash as they left the building. the second they stepped out of the mess hall all hell broke loose, they all booked it towards the trail to the lake pushing and shoving each other. it was all fine, everyone was just laughing, so bambam wasn't bothered by it to much in fact he found it amusing in fact, that was until things started to go wrong.

the boys were having fun cracking jokes pushing each other lightly, occasionally tripping each other. but then someone shoved a little to hard, that someone being seungmin. jeongin had pushed the older boy causing him to stumble, which resulted in him shoving jeongin back. and unfortunately for jeongin there was a rock, which he conveniently tripped over. everyone stood watching the poor boy fall toward his face slamming into the hard ground beneath him.

"oh my god jeongin are you okay i'm so sorry." the kim boy ran over to jeongin grabbing his hands helping him up off the floor. jeongin just laughed it off telling him "it's okay." and "i'm perfectly fine." after that there was no more shoving. the yang boy trailed behind the group finally letting the tears fall, his nose and eyebrow were bleeding. bambam offered to take him to in infirmary but jeongin just held a towel to his face.

"hey you okay?" jeongin practically jumped out of his skin from shock, he quickly wiped away his tears replacing his pout with a bright smile.

"yeah i'm fine." the older saw right through his eyes, jeongin was a terrible liar, that and there was still small tears forming in his eyes.

"no you're not, if you don't clean that properly you'll get an infection." hyunjin explained you the younger but jeongin just laughed it off.

"and how would you even know that?" jeongin sassed rolling his eyes in hopes to cover up the evident pain in his voice.

"i use to get in fights a lot with my peers...anyway when we get back to the cabin i'll help you clean it up." hyunjin reassured the younger, jeongin just nodded his head in response his eyes trailing off towards the forest. hyunjin just gazed at the younger watching another drip of blood roll down his face, the older grabbed the raven haired boys towel wiping it away.

"um thanks." jeongin coughed turning away to hide his face his cheeks now painted a bright red similar to the shirt felix was wearing today.

after that everything was fine for the most part, all the boys swam around the lake splashing each other and laughing hysterically. bambam signed finally being able to relax for the first time since he left his cabin that morning. the group was once again fooling around pushing each other and grabbing each other's ankles and yanking them underwater. it was all fine, until bambam heard struggling, yelling, and laughing mostly laughing. looking over bambam saw seungmin attempting to drown poor changbin.

"HEY HEY HEY!! NO KILLING EACH OTHER WHILE IM HERE!!" bambam shouted but the group paid little attention to him, they were to busy  laughing their asses off.

"that's attempted murder you psychopath!!" changbin shouted once he finally popped up from underwater. changbin huffed seeing no one was listening to him they were to busy doubling over in laughter.

changbin ran over to seungmin when he
least expected it jumping on his back, the purple haired boy shouted before losing his balance and falling over into the cold water. to some it might seem as though changbin and seungmin hated each other, but that was far from the truth. the two had grown pretty close since they shared a room together talking every night about random things constantly teasing each other. most the the teasing being seungmin making fun of changbin's height, and changbin teasing the younger about his puppy like features.

bambam watched all 8 boys a small smile planted on his face, the group swam around each other giggling and splashing each other. they looked so happy, looking over to the side he saw jeongin's camera, he felt awful about it but he snapped a picture of the group swimming happily.

they looked so happy and content, bambam hopes it would always stay like that, and he was pretty sure it would.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

a/n: THANK YOU FOR OVER 300 READS, wtf ily you guys. ok anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, soon things will start to heat up (not necessarily in a good way). so please don't kill me if i do something bad 😃. okay that's it i hope you guys enjoyed bye bye!!
-c <3

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